Latest California Healthline Stories
Buying Supplemental Insurance Can Be Hard For Younger Medicare Beneficiaries
Congress left it to states to determine whether private Medigap plans are sold to the more than 9 million disabled people younger than 65 who qualify for Medicare. The result: rules vary across the country.
Surprise! Here’s Another Bill For That ‘Paramedic Response’
California cities increasingly are billing patients for paramedic services that they say were not covered by insurers. One 85-year-old woman took on city hall.
El sitio Infórmate ofrece recursos e información para ayudar a erradicar mitos culturales que hacen que los latinos no se conviertan en donantes vivos de riñón.
Telenovelas, Spanish Website Seek To Inform Hispanics About Kidney Donations
The website Infórmate offers resources and information to help dispel cultural myths that may keep Latinos from becoming live kidney donors.
Poll: Duals Satisfied With New Program
The Cal MediConnect demonstration program for dual eligibles in California got a boost from a poll that shows high levels of satisfaction with the program.
New Research Effort To Solve Opt-Out Problem in State’s Duals Demonstration
University of California researchers are trying to figure out where the dual-eligible demonstration project may be going wrong — and where it may be headed in the right direction.
Dual Opt-Out Numbers Are Slightly Better This Month
The percentage of dual eligibles who choose to opt out or unenroll from the Cal MediConnect program remain high, but the numbers eased a bit last month.
Researchers, Health Officials Trying to Solve Dual Eligibles’ Opt-Out Puzzle
UCLA researchers launched a project to understand the high opt-out rate in the state’s duals demonstration project, while health officials release a tool for seniors to better understand their choices.
Medicare Advantage Competition Rated Strongest in Southern California
Riverside County and other Southern California counties rank higher for competitive Medicare Advantage markets than counties elsewhere in the state and nation.
Poll Asks Duals for Opt-Out Reasoning
The high rate of seniors opting out of the Cal MediConnect program for Californians dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid has been hard to figure out, so the state decided to ask people why they’re doing it.