Latest California Healthline Stories
When Erratic Teenage Behavior Means Something More
Teenagers can be volatile and moody, but there are some specific signs that separate typical adolescent behavior from potentially serious mental health problems.
Kate Spade’s Death Ignites Concern About Rising Suicide Rate
At least 45,000 Americans commit suicide every year, often tied to mental health issues or substance abuse.
Otro daño silencioso de la violencia doméstica: las lesiones cerebrales
Cada año, 10 millones de personas son víctimas de violencia doméstica y muchas de ellas reciben golpes a repetición que impactan en su capacidad de funcionar.
Domestic Violence’s Overlooked Damage: Concussion And Brain Injury
Women are at high risk for getting concussions from domestic violence. A neurologist and a social worker have paired up to try to get women the specialized medical help and counseling they need.
Dramático aumento de muertes por sobredosis de opioides en latinos. ¿Por qué?
Nuevos datos muestran que la epidemia de opioides está cambiando de cara, y que ya no es un problema exclusivo de los blancos no hispanos.
What Explains The Rising Overdose Rate Among Latinos?
Opioid addiction is often portrayed as a white problem, but overdose rates are now rising faster among Latinos and blacks. Cultural and linguistic barriers may put Latinos at greater risk.
Reversing An Overdose Isn’t Complicated, But Getting The Antidote Can Be
Last month, U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams urged more Americans to carry and learn to use naloxone, which can save someone from an opioid overdose. But the drug, brand-name Narcan, can be difficult to get and expensive.
¿Seguiremos siendo relevantes cuando tengamos 64 años?
El nido vacío, el retiro, son factores de cambio que hacen que muchas personas ya no se sientan relevantes. Qué hacer para vivir los 60 a pleno.
Will We Still Be Relevant ‘When We’re 64’?
Older adults often feel invisible as their interactions with younger people dwindle and hardly anyone seems to seek their advice. To make matters worse, studies link loneliness to weaker immune systems and poorer physical health.
En Puerto Rico, sobrevivientes del huracán María enfrentan la soledad y la depresión
La tasa de suicidos aumentó dramáticamente en la isla desde que el huracán María impactó en septiembre pasado.