Latest California Healthline Stories
Manteniéndose vivo: cómo combatir la adicción a los opioides
Más de 42.200 estadounidenses murieron por sobredosis de opioides en 2016. Expertos dicen que una combinación de medicamentos y apoyo terapéutico puede combatir la adicción.
Staying Alive: How To Fight An Opioid Addiction
First of all, make sure you have an overdose reversal drug handy. Then prepare for years of vigilance and long-term medication.
Omissions On Death Certificates Lead To Undercounting Of Opioid Overdoses
Standards for how to investigate and report on overdoses vary widely across states and counties. As a result, opioid overdose deaths often go overlooked in the data reported to the federal government.
How Many Opioid Overdoses Are Suicides?
Opioid overdoses and related deaths are still climbing, U.S. statistics show. Teasing out which overdoses are intentional can be hard, but is important for treatment, doctors say.
Doctores preocupados porque mamás con depresión no reciben atención adecuada
Cerca de una de cada 7 mujeres sufre de depresión durante el embarazo y después del parto. Sin embargo, no hay una red preparada para asistirlas, en un momento de gran tensión emocional.
#MeTooMedicine: mujeres que trabajan en salud también denuncian acoso sexual
Las denuncias de acoso sexual en Hollywood y otras áreas han movilizado a las mujeres en el campo de la medicina a contar sus historias.
Women In Medicine Shout #MeToo About Sexual Harassment At Work
Lawsuits and complaints about sexual harassment are piling up in the health care industry as women take on doctors, peers and co-workers.
Docs Worry There’s ‘Nowhere To Send’ New And Expectant Moms With Depression
California’s legislature will soon take up a bill that would require doctors to screen pregnant women and new mothers for mental health problems. Many doctors oppose the idea, and laws elsewhere haven’t increased the number of moms treated.
Opioid Maker Funds Efforts To Fight Addiction: Is It ‘Blood Money’ Or Charity?
Purdue Pharma, whose signature product helped fuel the opioid epidemic, now wants to help treat it — or at least salvage its own reputation.
California’s Tax On Millionaires Yields Big Benefits For People With Mental Illness, Study Finds
The research, focused on Los Angeles County, casts a positive light on a 2004 initiative that expanded mental health services statewide. A recent state audit, however, suggested hundreds of millions of dollars from the initiative were piling up, left unspent by counties.