Latest California Healthline Stories
The Power Of #MeToo: Why Hashtag Sparks ‘Groundswell’ Of Sharing — And Healing
A complex set of psychological and social factors are now propelling women to break their silence about sexual harassment.
Una tendencia que crece, adultos mayores que viven en comunidad
La llamada covivienda está comenzando a ser popular entre los adultos mayores, como una alternativa al aislamiento social. Son hogares que se construyen alrededor de áreas para uso colectivo.
Taking A Page From Pharma’s Playbook To Fight The Opioid Crisis
Doctors and pharmacists in Northern California are emulating drug company sales reps with a fresh purpose in mind: They visit medical offices in the hardest-hit counties to change their peers’ prescribing habits and curtail the use of painkillers.
For Active Seniors, Cohousing Offers A Cozier Alternative To Downsizing
Far from a commune or coop, these planned villages are no less about cooperation and community.
Más allá del estigma, estudio revela el estrés profundo de las personas transgénero
La comunidad transgénero sigue siendo relegada en el acceso a los servicios de atención médica y salud mental.
Mental Health Of Transgender People Is Under Stress, Study Finds
New data show transgender people are more likely to have suicidal thoughts and to attempt suicide. Public hostility towards them, including efforts to ban them from public bathrooms and military service, is making things worse, researchers say.
The Painful Side Of Positive Health Care Marketing
Advertising for hospitals, unlike pharmaceutical companies, doesn’t have to be backed up by data or facts. Cheerful messages of hope can feel like a slap in the face to a dying patient.
Despite GOP Efforts To Corral Medicaid Spending, States Like California Expand Benefits
States are adding a variety of services, including expansions of mental health and substance abuse treatments and dental care, according to a 50-state survey from the Kaiser Family Foundation.
Hospitals Step In To Help House The Homeless. Will It Make A Difference?
They say it will help reduce unnecessary ER visits and ensure better follow-up care. It’s also good P.R., and helps them meet their obligations to provide benefits to the community in exchange for significant tax breaks.
¿Las redes sociales dañan la mente de nuestros jóvenes? Tal vez no…
Nuevos estudios muestran que las redes sociales no impactan de manera negativa, sino por el contrario, muchas veces ayudan a encontrar apoyo y a elevar la autoestima.