Latest California Healthline Stories
For Low-Income Drug Users, Medi-Cal Offers A Fresh Start
Under a five-year agreement with the federal government, California is using Medicaid dollars to expand drug treatment, including more inpatient care and a broader range of medications.
New Commission Plans To Address State Health Care Worker Shortage
Kaiser Health News senior correspondent Anna Gorman discussed the shortage Thursday with KPCC’s Libby Denkman, on the radio station’s Take Two program.
Elder Abuse: ERs Learn How To Protect A Vulnerable Population
An emergency department at New York-Presbyterian Hospital trains staff to recognize signs of elder abuse and help victims.
Después de Charlottesville: por qué las personas se unen a grupos de odio
Hay 917 grupos de odio conocidos en los Estados Unidos, un número que ha ido aumentando en los últimos dos años, según datos del Southern Poverty Law Center.
Charlottesville Postmortem: Why People Join Hate Groups
Unhappy childhood experiences can drive people to join white supremacist groups, studies have found.
To Ensure The Doctor Is Always In, New Panel Tackles Health Worker Shortage
The California Future Health Workforce Commission will produce recommendations intended to meet the demand for medical professionals in a state with a growing and increasingly diverse population.
Dying At Home In An Opioid Crisis: Hospices Grapple With Stolen Meds
As more patients receive hospice care at home, some of the powerful, addictive drugs they’re prescribed are ending up in the wrong hands.
Gun Sellers Join Forces To Curb Suicide-By-Firearm, Rampant In Rural Areas
New research suggests that efforts to address climbing rates of rural suicide must focus on safe access to firearms. State-based coalitions are attempting just that.
Counties Hit The Road To Treat Mental Health
A growing number of California counties are deploying RVs to address the mental health needs of residents in isolated regions.
La obesidad y la depresión están relacionadas, y deberían tratarse juntas
Aunque en la superficie las dos condiciones parecen muy diferentes, comparten similitudes importantes. Las dos son condiciones crónicas difíciles de tratar, y requieren intervenciones de salud física y mental de largo plazo.