Latest California Healthline Stories
Fantasy Sports Fueling A Rise In Online Gambling Addiction
Seeing more problem gamblers than ever before, the state is investing in education, training and prevention.
Debate Arises Over HHS Plans For Privacy Rules On Addiction Treatment
The current guidelines, last updated in 1987, require patients to specify exactly who gets information about their care. But advocates of change say the new rule will fit in better in the era of sharing patient data through electronic medical records.
Saving Amanda: One Family’s Struggle To Deal With A Daughter’s Mental Illness
It took eight years for Amanda Lipp to get adequate care for her mental illness. Now, she and her mom, Pam, are sharing their story to fight stigma around mental illness so others don’t have to go it alone.
Managing Depression A Challenge In Primary Care Settings, Study Finds
Primary care physicians see many patients with depression. New research finds they continue to struggle to apply the treatment strategies used for other chronic illnesses.
Bridging The Gap Between Medical And Mental Health Care
Recognizing the strong link between psychiatric and physical illnesses, providers across the country are integrating primary care into mental health clinics with the help of federal funding.
Latino Youth In California See Significant Rise In Psychiatric Hospitalizations
Some experts say the 86 percent increase in psychiatric hospitalizations since 2007 means preventive care is seriously lacking; others believe reduced stigma has led more kids to accept help.
Poverty and Violence Linked to Childhood Trauma, Poor Health
A new study says poor and violence-prone neighborhoods are a significant contributor to childhood trauma and a threat to the mental and physical well being of their residents.
Are California’s Mental Health Dollars Helping Kids?
California spends generously so schools can help disabled children with behavioral problems, but a recent audit found that no one knows exactly how the money is spent or if it is working.
Legislation Signals Growing Support For Significance Of Trauma Indicators
A new Assembly bill addresses a theory that has been gaining greater acceptance in the medical community and beyond: Adverse childhood experiences may be strong indicators of health risk factors later in life.
Computerized Behavioral Therapy Could Boost Access to Care, but Barriers Remain
Computerized cognitive behavioral therapy is being explored as a cost-effective way to boost access to mental health services. However, two pilot studies at safety-net clinics in California highlight the various challenges to realizing the technology’s promise.