Latest California Healthline Stories
Orphan Drugs Interactive Database
Check out all the drugs the FDA has approved to treat rare diseases. You can search by brand name, or by disease, and see familiar names that were first sold on the mass market or all the drugs that won FDA approval to treat more than one rare disease.
Follow the twists and turns of the orphan drug industry over the past three decades.
Video: Former U.S. Rep. Henry Waxman Shares Deep Concerns About Orphan Drugs
The former Congressman championed the Orphan Drug Act decades ago but now he fears it’s being manipulated to make money.
Video Highlights: Obama’s Farewell: I’ll Support ‘Demonstrably Better’ ACA Replacement
President Barack Obama recounted his health care accomplishments in his farewell address to the nation Tuesday night.
Video Highlights: Trump Vows Replacement Will Pass At Same Time As Health Repeal
President-elect Donald Trump says his administration will offer its plan to overhaul the federal health law once Rep. Tom Price is confirmed as the secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services.
A Peer Recovery Coach Walks The Frontlines Of The Opioid Epidemic
Charlie Oen was addicted to heroin as a teenager. At 25, he’s now clean and a peer counselor in Lima, Ohio, where he tries to help people who started using drugs before he was born.
HHS Secretary: Give Medicare Authority To Negotiate Drug Prices
More work is needed to improve health care in U.S., but there are no “silver bullets” to get the job done, Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell tells National Press Club in a farewell speech defending Obamacare.
How Would Repeal Of The ACA Affect Californians’ Health Coverage?
Our interactive map gives a county-by-county look at the percentage of people covered by Covered California and Medi-Cal expansion.
Hospital Surprise: Medicare’s Observation Care
You’re in a hospital and think you’re admitted. Maybe not. Many Medicare beneficiaries are surprised to learn that even after spending a couple of days, they are receiving observation care, which Medicare considers an outpatient service, so the seniors’ costs can be more than expected.
Sounds Like A Good Idea? Regulating Drug Prices
Presidential candidates from both parties have proposals they say would help lower the cost of prescription drugs. But most experts say that efforts to regulate prices might not end up saving much money.