Latest California Healthline Stories
Should You Bring Mom Home From Assisted Living During The Pandemic?
Families are weighing the challenges of providing home care with the isolation or potential danger of leaving folks in senior housing or long-term care.
¿Deberías sacar a tus padres de hogares y llevarlos a tu casa durante la pandemia?
Con el coronavirus propagándose a través de las instalaciones de adultos mayores, las familias en todo el país se preguntan “¿Debo traer a mamá o papá a casa?”. Es una pregunta razonable. La mayoría de los complejos de jubilación y los centros de atención a largo plazo no permiten visitantes. Se pide a los adultos […]
Coronavirus: ¿todos los mayores de 60 años necesitan tomar las mismas precauciones?
¿Son necesarias las precauciones como las que respaldan los CDC para todos los adultos mayores?, ¿Incluso en áreas donde el nuevo coronavirus todavía no parece estar circulando ampliamente?
Does Everyone Over 60 Need To Take The Same Coronavirus Precautions?
Just how careful should older people be? Here’s what geriatricians think is reasonable.
The Startling Inequality Gap That Emerges After Age 65
The good news: Life expectancy for people who make it to 65 has increased. Yet, coastal and urban people fare better than those in rural and middle America.
U.S. Medical Panel Thinks Twice About Pushing Cognitive Screening For Dementia
Because seniors are at higher risk of cognitive impairment, proponents say screening asymptomatic older adults is an important strategy to identify people who may be developing dementia and to improve their care. But the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force cited insufficient evidence the tests are helpful.
Stalked by The Fear That Dementia Is Stalking You
For those worried they have an elevated risk of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, testing is an option. But words to the wise: It’s hardly foolproof and could even backfire by heightening your fear of memory loss.
What To Do If Your Home Health Care Agency Ditches You
If you’re told Medicare’s home health benefits have changed, don’t believe it: Coverage rules haven’t been altered and people are still entitled to the same types of services. All that has changed is how Medicare pays agencies.
What The 2020s Have In Store For Aging Boomers
On the bright side, advances in medical science and a push for healthier lifestyles might extend the quality of life for aging boomers. Among clouds on the horizon: ageism, strained long-term care services and the need to work well past retirement age.
Cómo cuidar a los padres mayores cuando no quieren ayuda
Desafortunadamente, ni la paciencia, ni la compasión, ni la tolerancia dan resultado en algunas circunstancias conflictivas, pero hay formas de generar buena comunicación.