Latest California Healthline Stories
Health Care Firms Were Pushed to Confront Racism. Now Some Are Investing in Black Startups.
A new investment fund launched by one of the few Black venture capitalists in health care is focused on backing Black entrepreneurs. And the investors include some of the biggest names in for-profit health care.
What Does It Say About Your Neighborhood If the Supermarket Isn’t So Super?
A mother-and-daughter team went comparison-shopping to see what grocery store shelves revealed about inequity in America.
‘American Diagnosis’ Episode 3: Uranium Mining Left Navajo Land and People in Need of Healing
Episode 3 is an exploration of the forces that brought uranium mining to the Navajo Nation, the harmful consequences, and the fight for compensation that continues today.
Proteger a su comunidad, el impulso que mejora la vacunación y las pruebas para covid entre hispanos
¿Qué es el sentido de pertenencia que impulsa a proteger con acciones individuales a una comunidad? Los latinos parecen actuar de esa manera frente a covid.
Covid Precautions Are Part of Hispanic Community’s Efforts to Tend to Community Good
Among many Latinos, especially recent immigrants, there is a cultural emphasis on living in harmony within one’s community — called “convivir” in Spanish. That notion may have helped drive improvements in covid vaccination and testing rates.
Exits by Black and Hispanic Teachers Pose a New Threat to Covid-Era Education
Schools that serve poor and disadvantaged kids have taken a series of hits during the pandemic. Now, teachers of color are leaving the profession at higher rates than are white teachers.
Otra amenaza a la educación en la era de covid: jubilación masiva de maestros latinos
En 2021, el 59% de los educadores hispanos estaba planeando retirarse, algunos antes de tiempo. Una cifra mucho más alta que años anteriores.
‘American Diagnosis’ Episode 2: Reclaiming Native Food Traditions to Nourish Indigenous People
Native foodways of hunting, fishing, gathering, and farming have been under threat since the arrival of Europeans. In this episode, hear how Indigenous people are reclaiming their food traditions to improve community health.
El plan de Biden para entregar pruebas gratis para covid no llega fácilmente a los más vulnerables
Desde el límite establecido en los pedidos de prueba hasta los idiomas disponibles en los sitios web, los programas pueden dejar fuera a muchas personas que no hablan inglés o no tienen acceso a Internet, así como a las que viven en hogares multigeneracionales.
‘Heart’ of Little Shell: Newest Federally Recognized Tribe to Open First Clinic
The Little Shell Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Montana plans to open the nation’s newest Indian Health Service clinic in Great Falls on Jan. 31 — marking the first time the tribe will have its culture reflected in health care offerings.