Latest California Healthline Stories
What’s Behind All the Bad Press for Health Insurers?
Health insurers say they are getting a bad rap when the real target of the public’s outrage should be rising health care costs. Consumer advocates argue that the two are inextricably linked in the current health care system, and California regulators are stepping up oversight.
Tallying the Uninsured a Challenge in Health Care Reform Debate
Agreeing on how many people actually lack health insurance is a major step in any discussion of how to rework the system. Key California lawmakers have made it that far, leaving the question: What, if any, health care reform will come out of the 2007 legislative session?
On Health Reform, Ask: Where Is the Opposition Coming From?
One of the greatest challenges for any of the proposals to rework California’s health care system is the possibility of a referendum, pushing backers of the efforts to carefully consider whether interest groups will outright oppose a plan, even if they won’t support it.
What Kind of Health Care Vehicle Is California Looking for?
Business interests agree that the health care system is in need of a fix, but they have yet to fall in line behind a single proposal. Looking back on the repeal of California’s last attempt at large-scale health reform, those pushing reform are quick to recognize the need to win businesses’ favor.
California Hospitals Wonder if Feds Will Kick in for Health Reform
Gov. Schwarzenegger’s health care reform plan would rely on $3.7 billion in federal funds, but officials for the California Hospital Association are not convinced that the federal government will come through with the money.
SPECIAL AUDIO REPORT: CMA Chief Says Health Care Reform Within Reach
Joe Dunn said “of course” CMA opposes a provision of the governor’s health care plan that calls for physician contributions but that he has “cautious optimism” about the prospects for reform in California’s this year.
Will Health Care Reform Lead to a Single-Payer System?
Health care advocates are evaluating reform proposals offered by Gov. Schwarzenegger and leaders of the Assembly and Senate as short-term strategies to address flaws in the health care system, possibly interim steps toward a single-payer health system.