Latest California Healthline Stories
California Hospitals Must Cough Up Millions To Meet Charity Care Rules
The decision by California Attorney General Xavier Becerra signals his agreement with health consumer advocates, who argue that patients are still struggling to pay their medical bills, even when they have insurance.
¡Cuidado! La multa por no tener seguro que impuso el Obamacare todavía está vigente
Si bien la administración Trump derogó la multa por no tener seguro de salud que impuso la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible, esta norma entrará en vigencia en 2019.
Ding Dong! The Obamacare Tax Penalty Is(n’t) Dead
When President Donald Trump signed the nation’s new tax law, he also killed the Affordable Care Act’s tax penalty — but not until 2019. Despite widespread confusion, experts caution that consumers still need to pay the tax penalty if they were uninsured last year or will be this year.
Hospitales quieren reducir la atención gratuita. Críticos dicen: de ninguna manera.
Bajo una ley federal, los hospitales sin fines de lucro deben proveer una cantidad inespecífica de atención gratuita. Ahora, algunos quieren destinar menos dinero a la caridad.
Hospitals Want To Cut Back On Free Care. Critics Say No Way.
Four California hospitals have asked the state attorney general to reduce the amount of free and discounted care they’re required to provide, arguing there’s less need for it under the Affordable Care Act. Critics say millions of people still can’t afford their hospital bills.
Pobres y sin atención médica: la nueva realidad de los suburbios
Siempre se creyó que era un enclave de los ricos, pero hoy en día más de 17 millones de personas viven en los suburbios, en donde es un desafío encontrar un doctor.
Upsurge Of Suburban Poor Discover Health Care’s Nowhere Land
More low-income people now live in suburbs than in cities or rural areas, putting a strain on local health services. Suburbs, which traditionally have had fewer resources or infrastructure, are scrambling to catch up.
Listen: How A ‘Hippie Clinic’ In San Francisco Inspired A Medical Philosophy
The Haight Ashbury Free Clinic still serves people living on the fringes in San Francisco. This radio story recounts its 51-year history.
Running On Empty: CHIP Funding Could Run Out Jan. 19 For Some States
A fiscal patch that Congress approved last month proves not enough to keep coverage for children afloat, CMS says. But California has enough money to last through March.
Estados se quedarían sin dinero para el programa CHIP a partir del 19 de enero
A pesar que el Congreso autorizó fondos para cubrir al programa hasta el 31 de marzo, varios estados comenzarían a quedarse sin dinero este mes.