Latest California Healthline Stories
One Year Left: How Can Obama Secure His Health Care Legacy?
After throwing the bulk of his political capital behind the passage and implementation of the Affordable Care Act in the first seven years of his administration, what can President Obama do in his final year in office to secure that legacy?
Potential Outcomes Of The ACA’S Third Enrollment Period And Their Implications
The Affordable Care Act’s third enrollment period ends in about a week, but the final outcome is still unclear. While sign-ups have been increasing each week, enrollment could end short of expectations, with consumers facing higher premiums or — contrary to previous patterns — with younger-trending enrollees.
Hispanic Children’s Uninsured Rate Hits Record Low, Study Finds
About 300,000 Hispanic children gained insurance in 2014 from 2013, dropping the number of uninsured to 1.7 million, researchers said, and two-thirds of 1.7 million uninsured Hispanic kids live in five states.
Trying To Reach Last Few Children Eligible for Coverage but Not Insured
A new effort aims to reach children in California who are eligible for health coverage but remain uninsured. The main targets are small businesses that employ many of their parents.
Report Pegs Hospital Efficiency Savings at $10 Billion; Hospitals Beg To Differ
If California hospitals were more efficient, they could save the health system $10 billion a year, according to a recent report. At the same time, those hospitals have some of the top efficiency numbers in the nation. What gives?
Why Maryland — Not California — Pulled Off the ‘Boldest Proposal’ in Health Care
The Old Line State is trying something new: Maryland’s hospitals have moved away from fee-for-service and embraced global budgets. And the early returns are promising.
California and its Counties Leading Way on Health Benefits for Undocumented
Contra Costa County Supervisor Candice Anderson, Rosa Maria Arriaga, a 72-year-old patient, Álvaro Fuentes of Contra Costa County’s Community Clinic Consortium, Gerald Kominski of the UCLA Center for Health Policy Research, Gabrielle Lessard of the National Immigration Law Center, Ira Mehlman of the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Teshina Wilson, a physician at a Richmond clinic, and Anthony Wright of Health Access California spoke with California Healthline about the state’s efforts to provide health care to undocumented immigrants.