Former California State Contractor Sued Over Breach Of HIV Patient Privacy
A lawsuit claims that a private company hired by the state public health department to manage enrollment in an AIDS drug assistance program for low-income patients inadvertently allowed unauthorized access to their medical status.
‘Scary’ Lung Disease Now Afflicts More Women Than Men In U.S.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), linked to long-term smoking, has traditionally been considered a men’s disease. But data show it is now more prevalent among women — in large part because they embraced smoking much later than men did.
Psiquiatra se queda cerca de casa, fiel a su promesa de la infancia
La doctora Yamanda Edwards es la única psiquiatra en el Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital. Ella decidió ejercer en el vecindario en donde creció, que tiene una necesidad acuciante de servicios de salud mental.
Psychiatrist Stays Close To Home And True To Her Childhood Promise
Yamanda Edwards is the only psychiatrist at Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital, caring for residents in South Los Angeles, a community with a shortage of mental health care.
States Extend Medicaid For Birth Control, Cutting Costs — And Future Enrollment
Medicaid family planning programs reduce unplanned births, but some are caught in disputes over federal funding to Planned Parenthood.
California’s Tax On Millionaires Yields Big Benefits For People With Mental Illness, Study Finds
The research, focused on Los Angeles County, casts a positive light on a 2004 initiative that expanded mental health services statewide. A recent state audit, however, suggested hundreds of millions of dollars from the initiative were piling up, left unspent by counties.
Impuesto a los millonarios genera grandes beneficios para pacientes de salud mental
Un impuesto estatal a los ricos ha impulsado significativamente los programas de salud mental en el condado más grande de California, ayudando a reducir la falta de vivienda, el encarcelamiento y la hospitalización.
Campus Voices: Should Student Health Centers Offer Abortion Pills?
California lawmakers are considering a bill that would require student health centers at all of the state’s four-year public universities to carry the abortion pill. Students at campuses across the state sounded off on the proposal.
Use Of HIV-Prevention Drug Grows, But Lags Among Non-Whites
The pill, known as PrEP, can reduce the risk of contracting the virus that causes AIDS by 90 percent. Its use has expanded sharply in recent years — but primarily among a white demographic.
How Medicaid Became A Go-To Funder For Schools
Begun as a health care safety net for children and low-income families, Medicaid increasingly underwrites a range of services in America’s public schools.