Federal Vaccine Program Hasn’t Helped Those Whose Lives Were Altered by Covid Shot
A national vaccine court has paid out billions to families who could prove their kids were injured by vaccines. But there’s only a skeletal program for the rare victims of covid vaccination, raising concerns as the pressure for mandated shots grows.
Not All Experts Are Ready to Vaccinate Kids Against Covid
Rare reports of minor heart damage have convinced some scientists that further study is needed before racing to extend covid shots to more children.
Analysis: Mounting Pressure on China About Covid ‘Lab Leak’ Could Backfire
Where the coronavirus originated remains a mystery and the Chinese are bucking demands to let investigators see more.
Leading virologists, including Dr. Anthony Fauci, are demanding a deeper probe into China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology as they try to identify the source of the deadly coronavirus.
La idea de que el virus que causa covid escapó de un laboratorio chino, una teoría que en su momento se consideró conspirativa, está cobrando fuerza. Al mismo tiempo, peligra la reputación de renombrados científicos, al igual que su seguridad personal.
All agree that covid vaccines are urgently needed to stop the pandemic, but simply waiving patents fails to provide technological know-how and address supply chain challenges.
You Don’t Have to Suffer to Benefit From Covid Vaccination — But Some Prefer It
In the times of smallpox, vaccination was accompanied by blood, sweat, fire and brimstone. Nowadays, a slight fever may make you feel as if you’ve earned the reward of immunity from covid. But you’re protected even without a nasty reaction to the vaccine.
No hay que sufrir efectos secundarios con la vacuna contra covid para estar protegido
Si bien los síntomas muestran que el sistema inmune está respondiendo a la vacuna y que protegerá contra la enfermedad, las personas con pocos o ningún síntoma también estaban protegidas.
The Case for Donating US Covid Vaccines Overseas
For now, there’s not enough vaccine for the U.S., but that could change within a few months. Vaccinating other nations will be key to stopping the pandemic – and keeping it away from our shores.
El caso de la donación de vacunas contra covid estadounidenses al extranjero
Expertos felicitan las acciones de la administración Biden con las vacunas de covid, pero creen que en los próximos meses debería haber un enfoque global para que el mundo esté innmunizado.