La pandemia interrumpe una mina de oro: las cirugías de reemplazo articular
Las pérdidas de ingresos en hospitales y centros de cirugía ambulatoria pueden haber superado los $5,000 millones sólo por las cancelaciones de los reemplazos de rodilla y cadera.
Covered California Announces Record-Low Rate Hike for 2021
Health plans offered through Covered California, the health insurance exchange, will increase premiums by a statewide average of 0.6% next year. Health insurers reported strong profits in the second quarter of 2020 as their expenses plunged because of fewer surgeries and patient visits for non-COVID treatment.
Covered California anuncia una baja récord en las primas para 2021
Covered California brinda cobertura a aproximadamente 1.5 millones de californianos que compran su propio seguro. Alrededor del 90% de ellos reciben asistencia financiera.
Don’t Count on Lower Premiums Despite Pandemic-Driven Boon for Insurers
Early in the pandemic, insurers expected the costs of treating COVID-19 would vastly increase medical spending. Instead, non-COVID care has plummeted and insurers have pocketed the result. Still, few industry observers are predicting broad-based premium cuts in 2021, though some health plans have proposed lowering their rates.
You Can See Friends And Relatives During The Pandemic Surge — But Do It Carefully
Even as most U.S. states and authorities reimpose many of the restrictions they had prematurely lifted, public health experts say you can still have a safe social life — just not the one you were used to before the pandemic hit.
Puedes ver a amigos y familiares durante la pandemia, pero sigue estas reglas
Puedes expandir tu burbuja social más allá de la casa, y hasta abrazar a un ser querido, si prestas atención a las conocidas pautas de salud y, además, tomas precauciones adicionales.
COVID-Tracking Apps Proliferate, But Will They Really Help?
Public health authorities had hoped digital technology would supplement the work of contact tracers seeking to control the spread of COVID-19. But technical uncertainties and public health failures have dimmed the apps’ potential.
Easy To Say ‘Get Tested.’ Harder To Do. Here’s How.
If you’ve been in a crowd — a protest or rally — experts have advice for figuring out whether you might have been exposed to the coronavirus, and where and when to get tested for it.
Society Is Reopening. Prepare To Hunker Down At Home Again.
First, businesses started to reopen; then racial justice protesters flooded the streets. Social distancing is beginning to fade. Are you ready for a second wave of COVID-19 infections ― and a renewed lockdown?