Es cierto que pequeños cambios en los ingresos pueden hacer que la elegibilidad cambie, pero si se ingresa información incorrecta en un sistema informático compartido por Covered California y Medi-Cal, o se elimina información precisa, eso les puede causar grandes dolores de cabeza a los afiliados.
New Covered California Leader Urges Renewal of Enhanced Federal Aid for Health Premiums
Jessica Altman took over in March as executive director of California’s health insurance marketplace, which serves 1.8 million people. She warns that if Congress does not renew the tax credit enhancements that have made health plans more affordable, consumers will face significantly higher premiums, which could cause many to forgo coverage.
California Opens Medi-Cal to Older Unauthorized Immigrants
Starting May 1, low-income unauthorized immigrants over age 49 become eligible for full Medi-Cal health coverage, a significant milestone in California’s effort to expand coverage.
California abre el Medi-Cal a adultos mayores indocumentados
El estado vuelve a ser pionero en su esfuerzo porque todos tengan seguro de salud, más allá de su estatus migratorio.
Battle Lines Are Drawn Over California Deal With Kaiser Permanente
A controversial proposal to grant HMO giant Kaiser Permanente a no-bid statewide Medi-Cal contract is headed for its first legislative hearing amid vocal opposition from a coalition of counties, competing health plans, community clinics, and a national health care labor union.
How a Former Catholic Priest Is Navigating a Medi-Cal Health Plan Through Big Changes
Michael Hunn left the clergy and became a hospital and health system executive. He’s been named CEO of CalOptima, Orange County’s Medi-Cal health insurance plan for low-income residents, and his spiritual background is helping him guide the publicly run plan into the future.
Record Fines Might Mean California Is Finally Serious About Improving Medi-Cal
California regulators issued record fines against L.A. Care, the state’s largest Medi-Cal managed-care plan, for providing inadequate care to its enrollees. But whether the penalties are a sign that the state will make a more forceful effort to improve Medi-Cal’s overall quality of care remains to be seen.
Multas récord podrían significar que California finalmente se toma en serio la mejora de Medi-Cal
El estado impuso una multa de $55 millones a L.A. Care por múltiples violaciones en sus procesos de asistencia médica.
When Teens Blow Off Parents’ Pleas to Get Vaccinated, the Consequences Can Be Deadly
Kennedy Stonum, a 17-year-old high school junior, resisted getting vaccinated against covid-19, as did 20-year-old Tyler Gilreath, whose mother had nagged him for months to get the shots. Both died.
Poco más del 57% de los adolescentes de 12 a 17 años y el 62% de los jóvenes de 18 a 24 años están completamente vacunados. Para estas franjas de edad covid también puede ser mortal.