States Attacking ACA Would Suffer Most If Preexisting Conditions Shield Gets Axed
A coalition of Republican states has launched a legal challenge to the Affordable Care Act, including provisions requiring insurers to offer coverage to people with preexisting conditions without raising rates. An analysis shows that some of these states have the highest proportion of such residents.
Single-Payer Issue Drives Dollars Into Gubernatorial Campaign
Money is streaming into the campaign from health care interests with a stake in whether California adopts a government-run, universal-coverage system.
California’s Deadly STD Epidemic Sets Record
Rates of gonorrhea, syphilis and chlamydia in California have shot up 45 percent over five years, resulting in 30 syphilis-related stillbirths in 2017 alone, new state data show.
“Un acertijo persistente”: californianos adoptan Medicaid, pero… ¿cupones de alimentos? No tanto.
Millones de californianos que podrían participar de este programa, no lo hacen. Expertos explican las posibles razones y qué se está haciendo para que más familias obtengan este beneficio.
‘A Persistent Puzzle’: Californians Embrace Medicaid — But Food Stamps? Not So Much.
The Golden State ranks near the bottom in its enrollment of eligible people in the food assistance program known as SNAP. Now state officials want to tap its robust Medicaid rolls to boost SNAP signups.