A Doctor Speaks Out About Ageism In Medicine
A frank conversation with geriatrician and author Dr. Louise Aronson about medicine’s biased treatment of older adults and what needs to change.
How To Find And Use New Federal Ratings For Rehab Services At Nursing Homes
For the first time, the federal government is measuring the quality of rehab services in nursing homes for the millions of older adults who need post-hospitalization care.
Even Doctors Can’t Navigate Our ‘Broken Health Care System’
A physician’s frustration navigating a medical emergency with his elderly father reveals a complex, dysfunctional system.
Researchers Seek Sage Advice Of Elders On Aging Issues
The Bureau of Sages, a group of frail, older adults, gives feedback to researchers about what matters to older adults.
Making Smarter Decisions About Where To Recover After Hospitalization
Older adults — and their families — often find it challenging and stressful to find the best facility. And they often end up in the wrong spot, new research shows.
More Older Adults With Joint Replacements Recover At Home, Not Rehab
Research shows that going home after elective hip and knee replacements is a safe alternative for many patients.
Understanding Loneliness In Older Adults — And Tailoring A Solution
New research shows that older adults want close relationships with the people they care about and meaningful social roles.
Listening To Older Patients Who Want To Stop Dialysis
Older adults with advanced kidney disease sometimes want to stop dialysis but often meet resistance from doctors, new research shows. We explore options available to these patients, including conservative care.
Seniors Aging In Place Turn To Devices And Helpers, But Unmet Needs Are Common
A new study examines how seniors with deteriorating strength and other physical functions deal with such challenges as taking a shower or getting dressed in the morning.
Adultos mayores vulnerables logran volver a ser independientes
El programa para personas mayores vulnerables de bajos ingresos Community Aging in Place — Advancing Better Living for Elders (CAPABLE) ayuda a los abuelos a vivir independientemente.