La batalla por el aborto también puede amenazar al control de la natalidad
Una nueva jurisprudencia sobre el aborto podría afectar muchas más cosas, como borrar el derecho al control de la natalidad y el matrimonio entre personas de un mismo sexo.
A Biden Win and Republican Senate Might Lead to Gridlock on Health Issues
If Democrat Joe Biden is successful in his bid for the presidency but the Senate remains in GOP control, Democrats’ plans for major changes in health care may be curbed. The federal role in those policies is at stake — as is California’s ambitious health care agenda.
Sin presidente todavía, el futuro de la salud también sigue siendo incierto
Lo que está en juego es si el gobierno federal desempeñará un papel central en las decisiones de salud o cederá más autoridad a los estados y al sector privado.
If Trump Wins, Don’t Hold Your Breath Waiting for That ACA Replacement Plan
The administration seeks to have the Supreme Court overturn the federal health law but has not explained how it would ensure Americans’ health care coverage.
Biden’s Big Health Agenda Won’t Be Easy to Achieve
Much like President Barack Obama, a President Biden could find his health policies initially sidelined by economic issues — in his case, caused by the pandemic.
Outnumbered on High Court Nomination, Democrats Campaign for a Different Vote
Rather than prosecuting their case against Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are refighting the war that won them seats in 2018 — banging on Republicans for trying to eliminate the Affordable Care Act.
Promises Kept? On Health Care, Trump’s Claims of ‘Monumental Steps’ Don’t Add Up
The president entered office seeking to overturn the Affordable Care Act, revamp Medicaid and drive down prescription drug prices, among other things. He’s hit some stone walls.
Without Ginsburg, Judicial Threats to the ACA, Reproductive Rights Heighten
With the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a lawsuit brought by Republican state officials has become the latest existential threat against the federal health law, scheduled for oral arguments at the Supreme Court a week after the general election in November.
Med Students ‘Feel Very Behind’ Because of COVID-Induced Disruptions in Training
The pandemic has led medical schools to cancel many of the rotations in hospitals and clinics that students perform to see a broad mix of patients with a diverse mix of problems.
Another Problem on the Health Horizon: Medicare Is Running Out of Money
With millions out of work because of the coronavirus pandemic, fewer payroll taxes are coming in to help keep Medicare’s trust fund intact.