San Francisco: cauteloso optimismo mientras bajan nuevos casos de VIH entre latinos
San Francisco estableció un modelo nacional de respuesta a la enfermedad. Lo hizo al construir una red de servicios de VIH para que los residentes pudieran acceder a pruebas gratuitas o de bajo costo, así como al tratamiento, independientemente de su seguro de salud o estatus migratorio.
Quieren que observen y documenten las irregularidades que se denuncian con frecuencia: hacinamiento y falta de acceso a cuidado médico y de salud mental.
California Lawmakers Debate Sending Local Health Inspectors Into Immigration Facilities
Immigration is regulated by the federal government, but California lawmakers may give local public health inspectors the authority to inspect privately operated immigration detention facilities, citing complaints and lawsuits from detainees alleging inadequate medical care and unsanitary conditions.
A Little-Recognized Public Health Crisis
About every 12 minutes, someone is killed on America’s roads and countless others are injured. More than 42,500 people died in car crashes in 2022, a death toll that rivals or surpasses those of other major public health threats, such as the flu and gun violence. “We have not recognized that traffic violence is a […]
Un análisis de KFF Health News-Associated Press halló que los hombres latinos homosexuales y bisexuales representan una proporción cada vez mayor de nuevos diagnósticos e infecciones, lo que demuestra que los están dejando atrás en la lucha contra el VIH.
Young Gay Latinos See Rising Share of New HIV Cases, Leading to Call for Targeted Funding
Since being diagnosed with HIV in 2022, Fernando Hermida has had to move three times to access treatment. A KFF Health News-Associated Press analysis found gay and bisexual Latino men account for a fast-growing proportion of new diagnoses and infections, showing they are falling behind in the fight against HIV.
California Lawmakers Preserve Aid to Older, Disabled Immigrants
Lawmakers passed a budget that rejected Gov. Gavin Newsom’s proposal to save nearly $95 million by eliminating in-home support services for qualifying older, blind, and disabled immigrants lacking legal residency. Advocates say Newsom’s plan would have cost more in the long run. Newsom has not indicated whether he’ll veto.
‘So Much Death’: Lawmakers Weigh Stricter Speed Limits, Safer Roads for Pedestrians
New York and Michigan recently passed laws allowing local jurisdictions to lower speed limits, and Los Angeles voters backed safer road designs, but enforcement often meets political resistance. The number of pedestrians killed or injured on the road remains high.
“Tanta muerte”: legisladores analizan límites de velocidad, y calles más seguras para los peatones
La administración Biden ha destinado $15.6 mil millones a la seguridad vial hasta 2026, y $5 mil millones en subvenciones locales para prevenir muertes y lesiones en las carreteras.
Las organizaciones sin fines de lucro señalan que California ha vuelto más difícil retener a los trabajadores en tareas de cuidado después que aumentara los salarios en otros sectores vinculados a los servicios y la salud.