Latest California Healthline Stories
Postpartum Psychosis Is Real, Rare And Dangerous
Postpartum psychosis is rare but very real, doctors say. And, unlike in some countries, U.S. moms who need inpatient psychiatric care can’t bring along their babies, adding to the trauma.
Utah Voters Approved Medicaid Expansion, But State Lawmakers Are Balking
Political fights over health care continue to flare. In Utah, angry voters say lawmakers are disregarding their wishes by trying to limit the scope of a ballot referendum that expanded Medicaid.
Patients Turn To GoFundMe When Money And Hope Run Out
Medical fundraisers account for 1 in 3 of the website’s campaigns and bring in more money than any other GoFundMe category. Americans’ confidence they can afford health care is slipping, some say.
En emergencias, paramédicos confrontan el prejuicio racial
El sesgo inconsciente puede ser sutil, pero, como muestra el informe, puede ser uno de los factores detrás de las disparidades de salud por raza en el país.
Emergency Medical Responders Confront Racial Bias
In a recent study of patients treated by emergency medical responders in Oregon, black patients were 40 percent less likely to get pain medicine than their white peers. Why?
How Helping Patients Get Good Care At Home Helps Rural Hospitals Survive
Hospitals are now financially rewarded by insurers for safety and efficacy — which often results in patients spending less time as inpatients.
Judge Who Invalidated Obamacare Has Been A ‘Go-To Judge’ For Republicans, Critics Say
Court watchers weren’t shocked when Reed O’Connor, a U.S. district judge in Texas, ruled the Affordable Care Act invalid. Critics say he usually sides with Republicans on ideological cases.
Sales Reps May Be Wearing Out Their Welcome In The Operating Room
Do sales reps in the operating room lend helpful expertise or inflate already bloated costs? Depends on whom you ask.
One Twin’s Difficult Birth Puts A Project Designed To Reduce C-Sections To The Test
A woman had twins in a hospital south of Boston, and for doctors aiming to reduce cesarean sections, the second baby’s tricky arrival tested the limits of teamwork.
Parto en tiempos de adicción: flamante mamá se preocupa por mantenerse sobria
La epidural, que se utiliza para aliviar el dolor del trabajo de parto, puede ser un desafío para mamás que fueron adictas a los opioides.