Latest California Healthline Stories
Video Help Is On Way For Family Caregivers Who Must Draw Blood Or Give Injections
Medical experts around the country are rolling out instructional videos for family caregivers who need help with challenging medical tasks.
An Alzheimer’s ‘Tsunami’ Threatens Latinos
The number of U.S. Latinos with the memory-robbing disease is expected to rise more than eightfold by 2060, to 3.5 million, according to a recent report — putting a strain on families and health care resources.
Un ‘tsunami’ de Alzheimer amenaza a latinos
Según un informe reciente, se espera que el número de latinos en los Estados Unidos con la enfermedad roba-memoria aumente más de ocho veces para 2060, a 3,5 millones de casos, poniendo presión en las familias y en los recursos de salud.
New Federal Rules Will Require Home Health Agencies To Do Much More For Patients
The first overhaul of federal regulations in almost 30 years for home health care agencies will require them to be much more responsive to what aging patients and their caregivers need or want.
La risa, el mejor antídoto ante la muerte
Expertos, y estudios, afirman que la risa puede agregar humor, y aliviar el dolor por la pérdida cercana, al final de la vida.
Humor may be an antidote for the pain of death for both patients and survivors.
Study: Many Caregivers Spend $7K Annually Out Of Pocket
Caregivers often pay some housing, medical, transportation and other living expenses for those they help, an AARP survey finds.
Big Raises For Many Home Care Workers Won’t Necessarily Help Senior Citizens
A $15 minimum wage will almost double what many home care workers are paid but won’t solve other problems.
A Practical To-Do List For Family Caregivers
In order to maximize the important role they play, family caregivers must be proactive in speaking up, planning and documenting their ability to meet their loved one’s health care needs.
Study: Family Caregivers Need Help, Too
A study by the National Academies finds more support is needed for nearly 18 million people giving care to family members 65 and older.