Latest California Healthline Stories
Cuestionan la necesidad de una vacuna contra la meningitis B para universitarios
Expertos dicen que farmacéuticas están apelando al miedo de los padres para promover dos vacunas contra le meningitis B entre estudiantes universitarios, luego de dos brotes en campus.
Podcast: ‘What The Health?’ Welcome Back, Congress. Now Get To Work.
In this episode of “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times and Mary Agnes Carey of Kaiser Health News discuss the return of Congress and bipartisan efforts to shore up the individual health insurance market for 2018, as well as renew the Children’s Health Insurance Program.
Meningitis B Vaccine’s High Price Poses A Health Care Conundrum For College-Bound
This immunization may mark a shift among some vaccine makers to higher-priced, “niche” preventives that protect against very specific and sometimes rare illnesses.
To Insure More Poor Children, It Helps If Parents Are On Medicaid
New research offers evidence that coverage expansion policies for adults have a positive spillover effect for kids.
¿Qué pasa si debes cambiar de plan de salud… estando enfermo?
El retiro de algunas aseguradoras del mercado ha obligado a miles de consumidores a cambiar de plan. Algo que se complica en el caso de pacientes con condiciones crónicas o graves.
What Happens If You’re Forced To Switch Health Plans When You’re Sick?
State lawmakers in California have an answer: legislation that would require your new insurer to keep paying for your current doctors even if they’re not in the network.
Kids Find Breathing Room At Asthma Camp
Camps teach children how to rely less on grownups and more on themselves to manage the chronic lung disease that afflicts 1 in 6 California children.
Con visitas a domicilio ayudan a nuevos padres a criar hijos más saludables
A nivel nacional, un programa financiado por la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible (ACA), envía trabajadores de salud a domicilio que aconsejan sobre crianza y paternidad.
Home Visits Help New Parents Overcome Tough Histories, Raise Healthy Children
A program that provides $400 million in federal funding for the visits expires next month. Advocates and providers hope it will be reauthorized with a higher level of funding — but some worry that might not happen.
Drug Puts A $750,000 ‘Price Tag On Life’
The high cost of Spinraza, a new and promising treatment for spinal muscular atrophy, highlights how the cost-benefit analysis insurers use to make drug coverage decisions plays out in human terms.