Latest California Healthline Stories
Legisladores Quieren Regular los Bancos de Leche Materna Humana con Fines de Lucro
Un proyecto de ley que se abre camino en la legislatura estatal pone a los bancos de leche materna humana con fines de lucro en contra de los defensores que temen que pagar en efectivo a las madres lactantes podría inducirlas a privar de leche a sus propios bebés.
Medi-Cal se expande para los niños inmigrantes. Así es como funciona
Entrará en vigencia una nueva ley del programa estatal de cuidado de salud de bajos ingresos para los niños en EE.UU. sin papeles.
New Law Aims To Regulate For-Profit Human Breast Milk Banks
A bill to be heard Wednesday in a Senate committee pits for-profit human breast milk banks against advocates who fear that paying cash to lactating mothers could induce them to deprive their own babies.
A Crisis With Little Data: States Begin To Count Drug-Dependent Babies
Getting good information is critical to figure out where resources need to go to treat babies dependent on drugs. Pennsylvania relies on old statistics and incomplete data, but that may be changing.
Pregnant And Addicted: The Tough Road To A Healthy Family
Guilt still haunts a new mother who was addicted to opioids when she got pregnant. Once she was ready to ask for help, treatment programs that could handle her complicated pregnancy were hard to find.
A Nurse’s Lesson: Babies In Opioid Withdrawal Still Need Mom
One hospital in Connecticut gives babies and moms fighting addiction a quiet room where they can be together as the drugs leave their systems.
Medi-Cal Expands To Immigrant Children. Here’s How It Works.
New approach will provide state’s low-income health care program to children in the U.S. illegally.
Tiny Opioid Patients Need Help Easing Into Life
More babies are being born dependent on opioids. The good news is they can safely be weaned from the drug. But there’s little research on which medical treatment is best, or its long-term effects.
Algunos expertos dicen que el aumento del 86 por ciento en las hospitalizaciones psiquiátricas, desde el 2007, significa una seria deficiencia en el cuidado preventivo; otros creen que haber reducido el estigma ha llevado a los jóvenes a aceptar ayuda.
For Parents Of Preemies, Life Starts With A Complex Fight For Survival
About 380,000 babies are born too soon every year in the United States, a preterm birth rate that’s far higher than most high-income, developed countries. Even with so many families facing the realities of a premature child, predicting the long-term health of a baby is difficult, and doctors have an even tougher time talking about those predictions with parents.