Latest California Healthline Stories
Despite Failed Promises, Stem Cell Advocates Again Want Taxpayers To Pony Up Billions
California’s stem cell agency, created by a $3 billion bond measure 15 years ago, is almost out of money. Its supporters plan to ask voters for even more funding next year, even though no agency-funded treatments have been approved for widespread use.
FDA Overlooked Red Flags In Drugmaker’s Testing of New Depression Medicine
In March, a chemical cousin of the anesthetic and club drug ketamine was approved for the treatment of patients with intractable depression. But critics say studies presented to the FDA provided at best modest evidence it worked and did not include information about the safety of the drug, Spravato, for long-term use.
Will I Always Face The Threat Of A Peanut-Laden Kiss Of Death?
A reporter with a serious peanut allergy explains what it is like to process news reports that tout new pharmaceutical products that might minimize the danger of accidental exposure.
Indocumentada y con cáncer: entre la muerte y la deportación
¿Qué sucede cuando un inmigrante indocumentado tiene un diagnóstico potencialmente mortal? Depende mucho de en dónde viva.
Choosing Between Death And Deportation
What happens when an undocumented immigrant has a life-threatening diagnosis? Much depends on where the person lives. And even in states with generous care for a dire illness, a patient can face difficult life-and-death choices.
FDA Launches Criminal Investigation Into Unauthorized Herpes Vaccine Research
The Food and Drug Administration rarely prosecutes research violations, but its criminal division is looking into the experimental herpes vaccine research by Southern Illinois University professor William Halford.
Participants In Rogue Herpes Vaccine Research Take Legal Action
Three participants in unauthorized herpes vaccine research file a lawsuit against scientist’s company, alleging adverse side effects.
University Under Fire For Off-The-Grid Herpes Vaccine Experiments
Southern Illinois University’s ethics panel launches “full” inquiry into herpes vaccine experiments on human subjects that took place offshore and in the U.S. without proper oversight by one of its professors, who has since died.
Unregulated Herpes Experiments Expose ‘Black Hole’ Of Accountability
Controversial research methods by university researcher unlikely to prompt federal response or institutional change, experts say.
University Was Tipped Off To Possible Unauthorized Trials Of Herpes Vaccine
Southern Illinois University has concluded its researcher violated university rules and U.S. law.