Latest California Healthline Stories
On A Mission To Help People Control Diabetes — And Save Money On Insulin
Patients with Type 2 diabetes are often steered toward medicine or insulin treatment. But with additional support, it’s possible to use diet and exercise to control blood sugar. The rising price of insulin drives patients to lower their dependence on the medicine.
Watch: High Cost Of Insulin Sends Americans To Canada To Stock Up
KHN, in collaboration with PBS NewsHour, reports on the skyrocketing cost of insulin — and the trend’s deadly consequences. The price in the U.S. nearly doubled from 2012 to 2016, prompting some patients and activists to travel to Canada, where insulin can be 90% cheaper.
Readers And Tweeters Parse Ideas — From Snakebites To Senior Suicide
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Amputaciones diabéticas: una “métrica vergonzosa” de la atención inadecuada
En sus rondas regulares en el Hospital Keck de la Universidad del Sur de California (USC), el doctor David Armstrong vive de cerca la injusticia brutal de la atención médica estadounidense. Cada semana, docenas de pacientes con diabetes llegan a verlo con heridas profundas, infecciones graves y mala circulación, complicaciones debilitantes de una enfermedad que […]
Diabetic Amputations A ‘Shameful Metric’ Of Inadequate Care
In California, people who are black or Latino are more than twice as likely as whites to undergo amputations related to diabetes, a Kaiser Health News analysis found. The pattern is not unique to California.
Is Insulin’s High Cost Keeping Diabetes Patients From Taking Their Medicine?
An estimated 1.25 million Americans have Type 1 diabetes and cannot live without insulin. Sen. Kamala Harris’ claim that 1 in 4 diabetes patients cannot afford their insulin is a shockingly high number, so we decided to dig into the sparse data.
Grupos denuncian atención médica y de salud mental deficiente a los detenidos por ICE
Grupos de derechos civiles denuncian que los inmigrantes detenidos en un centro de Adelanto, California, no reciben el urgente cuidado médico y mental que necesitan.
Watchdogs Cite Lax Medical And Mental Health Treatment Of ICE Detainees
The Adelanto ICE Processing Center houses nearly 2,000 people in California. Federal, state and watchdog reviews say the Florida-based firm that runs the facility fails to provide adequate health care.
The Blame Game: Everyone And No One Is Raising Insulin Prices
During Wednesday’s House subcommittee hearing on insulin price hikes, drug makers and benefits managers pointed fingers at each other for the last decade’s 300% price increase, frustrating congressional representatives.
Analysis: Why Americans Shouldn’t Feel Grateful For $137 Insulin
Only by the bizarre logic of the U.S. pharmaceutical industry does this drug count as any kind of generic.