Latest California Healthline Stories
A muchos universitarios, el hambre no los deja concentrarse en clases
El 50% de los universitarios informan que no comen lo suficiente o están preocupados por su alimentación, según revelan estudios. Programas intentan solucionar este problema del que se habla poco.
For Many College Students, Hunger Can ‘Make It Hard To Focus In Class’
With rising college costs, up to half of college students’ finances are stretched so tight they report that they were either not getting enough to eat or were worried about it, studies find. An innovative program that sprouted at UCLA lets students donate unused meal plan vouchers to those in need. It has caught on at nearly 50 schools.
Clínica examina a aspirantes a conseguir asilo, en busca de honestidad
Los profesionales que atienden a los solicitantes de asilo son expertos en el análisis de terribles heridas que pueden haber sido producto de torturas.
California Clinic Screens Asylum Seekers For Honesty
As new federal policies make it harder to gain asylum in the U.S., foreign applicants try to improve their chances by having doctors evaluate their conditions — perhaps bolstering their stories of torture and violent persecution back home.
Doctors And Dentists Welcome Pay Hike For Treating Low-Income Patients
California is boosting rates for doctors and dentists who participate in the state’s Medi-Cal program for low-income residents. Providers say the pay raises will increase their participation in the program and improve access for patients.
As Medicaid Costs Soar, States Try A New Approach
New programs, known as ACOs, reward hospitals and physician groups that hold down costs by keeping enrollees healthy. The health care providers are asked to address social issues — such as homelessness, lack of transportation and poor nutrition — that can cause and exacerbate health problems.
Readers And Tweeters Bare Their Teeth On Dental Disparities (And Other Fine Points)
California Healthline gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
California Hospitals Urge Moms To Favor Breast Milk Over Formula
Exclusively breastfeeding babies for at least six months is widely viewed as a significant health benefit. White moms are more likely to do so than blacks, Asians or Latinas.
Dramático aumento de muertes por sobredosis de opioides en latinos. ¿Por qué?
Nuevos datos muestran que la epidemia de opioides está cambiando de cara, y que ya no es un problema exclusivo de los blancos no hispanos.
What Explains The Rising Overdose Rate Among Latinos?
Opioid addiction is often portrayed as a white problem, but overdose rates are now rising faster among Latinos and blacks. Cultural and linguistic barriers may put Latinos at greater risk.