Latest California Healthline Stories
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
More Than 5,000 Surgery Centers Can Now Serve As Makeshift Hospitals During COVID-19 Crisis
Under pressure, the federal government announced it will let surgery centers, hotels and even college dorms serve as hospitals to treat an overflow of patients.
Más de 5,000 centros de cirugía serán hospitales improvisados durante la crisis de COVID-19
La administración Trump aprobó la inmediata utilización de los centros de cirugía ambulatoria, clínicas de rehabilitación, hoteles e incluso de los dormitorios universitarios como hospitales improvisados, centros de atención médica o sitios de cuarentena durante la crisis del coronavirus. Los Centros de Servicios de Medicare y Medicaid (CMS) anunciaron la exención temporal del cumplimiento de […]
Already Taxed Health Care Workers Not ‘Immune’ From Layoffs And Less Pay
Revenue is way down for primary care, specialty physicians and some hospitals as patients avoid non-urgent visits. Practices small and large are doling out layoffs and furloughs to staff.
A pesar de la pandemia, profesionales de salud no son inmunes a los despidos
Consultorios y grupos médicos en todo el país están dando licencia forzada a personal no médico. Y también recortando salarios luego que se suspendieran procedimientos electivos y se comenzaran a cancelar citas no urgentes.
The Nation’s 5,000 Outpatient Surgery Centers Could Help With The COVID-19 Overflow
A coalition of anesthesiologists wants to repurpose the country’s more than 5,000 surgery centers to serve as emergency overflow amid the coronavirus pandemic. The centers have trained medical staff largely sitting idle, anesthesia machines that could be turned into ventilators, and empty medical space. But obstacles such as federal payment rules, logistics and some skepticism are getting in the way.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health care policy stories each week, so you don’t have to.
Help Wanted: Retired Doctors And Nurses Don Scrubs Again In Coronavirus Fight
As they prepare for an onslaught of coronavirus patients, health officials in New York and other states urge retired medical professionals to rejoin the ranks.
Physicians Fear For Their Families As They Battle Coronavirus With Too Little Armor
Doctors sent an impassioned, desperate letter to Congress describing the lack of protective equipment across the country — from masks to respirators to gowns to goggles. They’re using equipment from construction sites and home-repair stores or wearing the same mask from patient to patient. And they worry about what exposure without sufficient protection means for them and their families.
Médicos temen por sus familias, mientras luchan contra COVID-19 con poca armadura
Miles de médicos de todo el país escribieron una apasionada carta al Congreso pidiendo que se libere el equipo de protección personal de la Reserva Nacional Estratégica, para aquellos en la primera línea de batalla.