Latest California Healthline Stories
Effects Of Surgery On A Warming Planet: Can Anesthesia Go Green?
Two of the most commonly used anesthesia gases are similar medically but worlds apart when it comes to their impact on the planet.
Even Doctors Can’t Navigate Our ‘Broken Health Care System’
A physician’s frustration navigating a medical emergency with his elderly father reveals a complex, dysfunctional system.
Elite Hospitals Plunge Into Unproven Stem Cell Treatments
Critics are concerned about the explosion in controversial stem cell procedures offered by clinics — and, increasingly, respected hospitals.
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes
Newsletter editor Brianna Labuskes wades through hundreds of health articles from the week so you don’t have to.
On The Border, Volunteer Doctors Struggle To Provide Stopgap Care To Immigrants
As recent arrivals are released from detention with severe medical problems ranging from diarrhea to gaping wounds, a makeshift health system of volunteers is overwhelmed. The work is taking a financial and emotional toll.
En la frontera, médicos voluntarios brindan atención temporal a inmigrantes
En consultorios improvisados en depósitos, médicos y asistentes voluntarios pasan largas horas atendiendo las necesidades de salud de miles de migrantes.
Más exenciones a medida que padres y doctores burlan las leyes de vacunación
El número de niños de California que recibieron exenciones médicas de las vacunas se ha triplicado en los últimos dos años. Y muchos médicos autorizan estas exenciones.
Exemptions Surge As Parents And Doctors Do ‘Hail Mary’ Around Vaccine Laws
In California, medical exemptions to skip childhood vaccinations are on the rise. The trend underlines how hard it is to get parents to comply with vaccination laws meant to protect public safety when a small but adamant population of families and physicians seems determined to resist.
Readers And Tweeters Chime In On Investigation Of Electronic Health Records
Kaiser Health News gives readers a chance to comment on a recent batch of stories.
Prestigiosos hospitales se lanzan al negocio de terapias con células madre no aprobadas
Los tratamientos típicos consisten en inyectar las articulaciones de los pacientes con sus propias células grasas o de médula ósea, o con extractos de plaquetas. No está comprobado científicamente que funcionen.