Latest California Healthline Stories
Stanford’s Chief Wellness Officer Aims To Prevent Physician Burnout
Tait Shanafelt focuses on helping doctors cope with such problems as long hours and copious record-keeping, seeking to prevent burnout and reduce the rate of physician suicide. As doctors’ well-being improves, he says, so does patient care.
Doctors Reckon With High Rate Of Suicide In Their Ranks
The devastating loss of a promising young doctor prompts soul-searching and action at one of the nation’s largest emergency room staffing companies.
Pacientes con dolor crónico se sienten atrapados en el debate sobre opioides
Los pacientes que necesitan esta medicación se sienten afectados injustamente por la tendencia a recetarlos cada vez menos, como una estrategia para frenar la creciente epidemia de abuso de opioides.
Patients With Chronic Pain Feel Caught In An Opioid-Prescribing Debate
States are passing laws that limit a doctor’s ability to prescribe opioids. Doctors and patients alike are wrestling with what that means in cases of chronic pain.
Some Doctors, Patients Balk At Medicare’s ‘Flat Fee’ Payment Proposal
The Trump administration says its plan to overhaul the way Medicare pays doctors will save physicians time and paperwork. But critics worry the changes will hurt patients’ care and doctors’ income.
New Southern California Medical School To Tackle Doctor Shortages
The Claremont Colleges plans to open a medical school in 2022, one of four to be announced or established in Southern California in recent years. It’s part of an effort to bring more physicians to underserved areas.
Long Waits To See Doctors In Puerto Rico, Where Medical Needs Are Great Post-Maria
Kaiser Health News senior correspondent Sarah Varney reports on how the island’s mounting physician shortage is making it even more difficult to get care.
Podcast: KHN’s ‘What The Health?’ Drug Prices And Unicorns
In this episode of KHN’s “What the Health?” Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times, Joanne Kenen of Politico, and Erin Mershon of STAT News discuss a series of health policy court decisions on everything from prescription drug discounts to soda taxes. Plus, Rovner, interviews health care futurist and consultant Jeff Goldsmith.
El toque humano en un hospital: por qué importa que los médicos sean compasivos
La actitud de los médicos al momento de hablar de temas difíciles como el final de la vida pueden hacer la diferencia en la calidad de vida del paciente y las preocupaciones de la familia.
A Hospital’s Human Touch: Why Taking Care In Discharging A Patient Matters
Patients and caregivers often feel abandoned and lose trust in health care professionals when they sense a lack of caring during transitions. With it, they feel better able to handle concerns and act on their doctors’ recommendations.