Latest California Healthline Stories
Training New Doctors Right Where They’re Needed
Eight teaching centers in California aim to train and retain doctors in medically underserved areas such as California’s Central Valley. They are among 57 such institutions across the country that may soon receive a boost in funding from Congress.
Reporter’s Notebook: In Health Care, A Good Price (Or Any Price) Is Hard To Find
Not only are health prices hidden, industry players are contractually obligated to keep them secret. That’s why answering a simple question — how much does it cost to have a baby in Mountain View, Calif.? — became a journalistic quest.
Guess Who Pays The Price When Hospital Giants Hire Your Private Practitioner?
Gobbling up doctors’ independent practices is lucrative for hospital systems — but not necessarily a good deal for the physicians or consumers, critics say. Northern California is a case in point.
Another Way For Anti-Vaxxers To Skip Shots For Schoolkids: A Doctor’s Note
No longer able to get exemptions for personal beliefs in California, parents opposed to inoculations seem to be obtaining medical exemptions for their children, according to a new study.
New Commission Plans To Address State Health Care Worker Shortage
Kaiser Health News senior correspondent Anna Gorman discussed the shortage Thursday with KPCC’s Libby Denkman, on the radio station’s Take Two program.
To Ensure The Doctor Is Always In, New Panel Tackles Health Worker Shortage
The California Future Health Workforce Commission will produce recommendations intended to meet the demand for medical professionals in a state with a growing and increasingly diverse population.
Más médicos apoyan un sistema de salud universal
Una nueva encuesta revela que cada vez más los profesionales de la salud se inclinan a un sistema con un pagador único que se haga cargo de las cuentas médicas.
Doctors Warm To Single-Payer Health Care
Growing numbers of physicians say they support a single-payer health care system, a 180-degree turn in opinion over a decade.
Medicare ayuda a 575,000 personas a hacer planes para el final de la vida
En 2016, el Medicare comenzó a pagar por las sesiones en las que pacientes, médicos y familiares discuten sobre las decisiones a tomar cuando se acerca el final de la vida.
End-Of-Life Advice: More Than 500,000 Chat On Medicare’s Dime
In the first year of payments for advance-care planning sessions, once decried as ”death panels,“ use is higher than expected, new data show.