Latest California Healthline Stories
Key Steps Can Help Patients Recover From A Stay In The ICU
Chances of recovering after an ICU stay rise when families keep patients oriented, stay on top of care plans and encourage seniors to get moving.
Attending To The ‘Human Element’ Is Key To Keeping Patients Healthy
Research to be published in full this fall details how medicine’s “implicit bias” — whether real or perceived — undermines the doctor-patient relationship and the well-being of racial and ethnic minorities as well as lower-income patients.
Under a new law, you could get money back if you were charged out-of-network prices after going to a medical provider who is listed in your health plan’s network.
Doctors Struggle With Medical Marijuana Knowledge Gap
Some states are beginning to require physicians to take courses to learn how and when marijuana might work for their patients. There is no such requirement in California.
Doctors Need A New Skill Set For This Opioid Abuse Treatment
Practicing surgery on a piece of pork — that’s how some doctors are learning to implant a new drug that curbs opioid cravings. It’s not a skill set typically used in addiction medicine.
California Doctors And Hospitals Tussle Over Role Of Nurse-Midwives
Legislation that would allow nurse-midwives to practice independently is mired in a dispute about whether hospitals should be allowed to hire them.
¿Puedo permitirme conservar a mi doctor?
Covered California dice que la mayoría de los consumidores pueden evitar el aumento de dos dígitos en las primas el próximo año si buscan la mejor oferta. Pero los inscriptos, ¿están dispuestos a cambiar de planes si eso significa cambiar de doctores?
Can I Afford To Keep My Doctor?
Covered California says most consumers can avoid double-digit premium hikes next year if they shop around. But will enrollees be willing to switch plans if it means having to change doctors?
No Primary Care Doc? We’ll Get You One
Starting next year, Covered California will require health plans to assign a primary care provider to all enrollees who don’t already have one — though the assignments will not be binding.
A Chat With The Head Of California’s Doctor Lobby
California Medical Association President Steven Larson says it’s time to circumvent the state Legislature and go straight to voters with ballot measures that could increase how much Medi-Cal pays physicians.