Latest California Healthline Stories
Hospitals Take Shot At Opioid Makers Over Cost Of Treating Uninsured For Addiction
A few hundred hospitals have banded together to sue drugmakers in state courts, but far more are staying on the sidelines to avoid ‘unflattering attention’ about their role in the opioid crisis.
Cómo deberían prepararse los pasajeros por si se enferman o lesionan en altamar
Solo en un crucero de Royal Caribbean, el Oasis of the Seas, 561 pasajeros se enfermaron a causa del norovirus, un virus estomacal altamente contagioso.
How Cruise Ship Passengers Should Prepare For Sickness Or Injury At Sea
Passengers on massive cruise ships could be struck by norovirus or accidents ranging from falls to broken bones. Then what?
Which Was Worse: The Bachelor Party Hangover Or The Hangover From The ER Bill?
One groom’s bachelor party hangover illustrates how emergency room bills have become major headaches for many Americans.
¿Qué fue peor: la borrachera de la despedida de soltero o la cuenta por tratar la resaca?
Recuperarse después de su despedida de soltero resultó en una factura médica que inicialmente fue de $12,460, en total. Más del doble del costo de su boda.
Air Ambulances Woo Rural Consumers With Memberships That May Leave Them Hanging
State regulators and even one medevac company have raised doubts about prepaid subscriptions and promised benefits offered by air ambulance companies.
Pesadilla por acariciar a un gato: infecciones, rabia… y cuentas sorpresa
Por un simple gesto de afecto hacia un felino: tres visitas a la sala de emergencias, vacunas contra la rabia, agentes del orden animal y el dolor de no comprender las cuentas de salud.
A Brush With A Notorious Cat, My Rabies Education And The Big Bill That Followed
An encounter with a cat led to rabies shots and provided yet another illustration of how confusing, contrary and expensive the American health care system is.
After A Rural Hospital Closes, Delays In Emergency Care Cost Patients Dearly
The loss of the longtime hospital in Fort Scott, Kan., forces trauma patients to deal with changing services and expectations.
Where Tourism Brings Pricey Health Care, Locals Fight Back
Residents in Colorado ski resort country found relief from high insurance premiums and high hospital costs by joining forces and negotiating prices directly with the local hospital.