Latest California Healthline Stories
Many People With Disabilities Risk Losing Their Medicaid if They Work Too Much
As politicians demand that more Medicaid recipients work, many people with disabilities say their state programs’ income and asset caps force them to limit their work hours or turn down promotions.
Years Later, Centene Settlements With States Still Unfinished
At least 20 states have settled disputes with health insurance giant Centene since 2021 over allegations that its pharmacy benefit manager operation overcharged their Medicaid programs. Two holdouts appear to remain: Georgia has not yet settled, and Florida officials won’t answer questions about its Centene situation.
Por qué los despidos en salud pública ponen en peligro a todos
La decisión de la administración Trump de despedir repentinamente a empleados de los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades destruyó los programas de capacitación a lo largo del país
Para enfrentar la escasez, estados buscan facilitar que médicos extranjeros ejerzan en el país
Alrededor del 26% de los médicos que ejercen en el país nacieron en otro lugar, según el Instituto de Política Migratoria. Necesitan visas para vivir en Estados Unidos, además de licencias estatales para ejercer la medicina.
Little Tracking, Wide Variability Permeate the Teams Tasked With Stopping School Shootings
Several states require schools to assemble teams of law enforcement and education officials to identify students who could become mass shooters and intervene before it’s too late. But some experts say the efforts often face a lack of guidance and significant pressure, putting them at risk of maligning innocent students.
Las escuelas no están conectadas como debieran a la tecnología para afrontar la diabetes infantil
En las escuelas, los maestros están atentos a las alarmas de los MCG de los teléfonos de los alumnos. Sin embargo, muchos dicen que no hay garantía de que un maestro pueda escucharlas.
As States Diverge on Immigration, Hospitals Say They Won’t Turn Patients Away
California and Massachusetts are teaching immigrants their rights while Florida and Texas are collecting patients’ immigration status. As states offer differing guidelines for interacting with immigrant patients, hospitals around the U.S. say they won’t turn people away for care because of their immigration status.
Hospitales dicen que no rechazarán pacientes, mientras los estados se posicionan sobre inmigración
Mientras Trump inicia la “operación de deportación más grande” en la historia de la nación, estados han emitido pautas marcadamente diferentes a los hospitales, clínicas comunitarias y otros centros de salud, sobre cómo actuar con pacientes inmigrantes.
Childhood Vaccination Rates, a Rare Health Bright Spot in Struggling States, Are Slipping
Mississippi, Tennessee, and West Virginia — states with some of the worst health outcomes — also have some of the highest childhood vaccination rates. But doctors and health officials worry a rising tide of vaccine skepticism is causing those public health bright spots to dim.
Defensores, médicos, investigadores, y funcionarios de salud pública temen que estos logros en algunos estados como Mississippi y Tennessee estén desapareciendo.