Latest California Healthline Stories
Little Tracking, Wide Variability Permeate the Teams Tasked With Stopping School Shootings
Several states require schools to assemble teams of law enforcement and education officials to identify students who could become mass shooters and intervene before it’s too late. But some experts say the efforts often face a lack of guidance and significant pressure, putting them at risk of maligning innocent students.
Las escuelas no están conectadas como debieran a la tecnología para afrontar la diabetes infantil
En las escuelas, los maestros están atentos a las alarmas de los MCG de los teléfonos de los alumnos. Sin embargo, muchos dicen que no hay garantía de que un maestro pueda escucharlas.
As States Diverge on Immigration, Hospitals Say They Won’t Turn Patients Away
California and Massachusetts are teaching immigrants their rights while Florida and Texas are collecting patients’ immigration status. As states offer differing guidelines for interacting with immigrant patients, hospitals around the U.S. say they won’t turn people away for care because of their immigration status.
Hospitales dicen que no rechazarán pacientes, mientras los estados se posicionan sobre inmigración
Mientras Trump inicia la “operación de deportación más grande” en la historia de la nación, estados han emitido pautas marcadamente diferentes a los hospitales, clínicas comunitarias y otros centros de salud, sobre cómo actuar con pacientes inmigrantes.
Childhood Vaccination Rates, a Rare Health Bright Spot in Struggling States, Are Slipping
Mississippi, Tennessee, and West Virginia — states with some of the worst health outcomes — also have some of the highest childhood vaccination rates. But doctors and health officials worry a rising tide of vaccine skepticism is causing those public health bright spots to dim.
Defensores, médicos, investigadores, y funcionarios de salud pública temen que estos logros en algunos estados como Mississippi y Tennessee estén desapareciendo.
Trash Incinerators Disproportionately Harm Black and Hispanic People
Across the country, trash incinerators disproportionately overburden majority-Black and -Hispanic communities. Though the number of incinerators has declined nationwide since the 1980s, Florida offers financial incentives to waste management companies that expand existing facilities or build new ones.
Expanden los recursos para las personas mayores que viven solas
Todos estos recursos abordan la necesidad de estos adultos mayores de relacionarse con otras personas, evitar el aislamiento y prepararse para un futuro en el que podrían tener menos energía, más problemas de salud y necesitar más ayuda.
Florida’s Deloitte-Run Computer System Cut Off New Moms Entitled to Medicaid
Florida discovered a glitch in its Deloitte-run Medicaid eligibility system. The problem, alleged in court testimony, led to new mothers wrongly losing their insurance coverage.
Immigration Detention Center Contractor Sues Over California Health Inspections
A private immigration detention center contractor has sued to block a California law allowing local public health officials to inspect facilities in response to allegations of medical neglect or unsanitary conditions.