Latest California Healthline Stories
Cruz Plan Gets Thumbs Up From HHS But Thumbs Down From Most Everyone Else
During another day of fast-moving developments, Senate Republicans signaled their intent to attempt to bring an updated repeal-and-delay bill to the floor for a vote next week.
Cinco poderosas razones por las que fracasó el proyecto de salud republicano
Mientras surgen los análisis post-mortem sobre el colapso del plan de salud republicano del Senado, es claro cómo problemas politicos y de legislación obraron en contra del esfuerzo por reemplazar ACA.
The failure this week of the U.S. Senate’s ACA repeal effort was one more twist in the ongoing political drama that has complicated routine rate setting for insurers and state officials.
Watch: 7 Moments That Battered The GOP Health Bills
The debate over whether to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act has been heated — and many of those moments have captured a wide audience on YouTube and Twitter.
5 Ways The Senate GOP Health Bill Could Change Your Health Plan Options
A key bill provision would likely lower premiums, but coverage would be skimpier with consumers left to figure out the trade-offs.
Postcard From Capitol Hill: When Health Care Takes a Breather
Sen. John McCain’s surgery deflated Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s ambition to push health care bill forward this week.
Has California Hit The Brakes In Regulating Breath-Robbing Big Rigs?
The state has made a huge dent in diesel pollution from freight trucks. But critics fear exemptions in a new law will stall progress, especially endangering the health of children and seniors near ports.
Podcast: What The Health? Senate Health Bill 2.0. Still On Life Support
Julie Rovner of Kaiser Health News, Joanne Kenen of Politico, Sarah Kliff of, and Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times discuss the changes to the proposed Senate health bill.
Analysis: Senate’s Latest Health Blueprint Cuts Costs At The Expense Of Chronically Ill
The Senate draft bill released Thursday to replace the Affordable Care Act risks creating a high-cost ghetto for those with preexisting conditions or long-term sickness, experts say.
Opposition To GOP Repeal Bill Inches Up And Intensifies
Six in 10 Americans say they do not approve of the Senate Republicans’ plan to replace Obamacare, according to a poll by the Kaiser Family Foundation.