Latest California Healthline Stories
To Patients, Parents, and Caregivers, Proposed Medicaid Cuts Are a Personal Affront
At a town hall in Orange County, California, angry residents said Congress should keep its hands off Medicaid. The cuts contemplated in a House budget blueprint would bore a giant hole in California’s version of the safety net health insurance program, Medi-Cal, which covers nearly 15 million residents.
An Urban Hospital on the Brink Vs. the Officials Sworn to Save It
The wealthy corporation that owns Chicago’s Mercy Hospital says it must close the hospital because it’s losing money. A government board says no. The corporation still has the upper hand.
California: 5 cosas que hay que saber sobre la evaluación a niños por estrés tóxico
A partir de este año, las visitas pediátricas de rutina para millones de niños de California podrían incluir preguntas sobre temas familiares delicados, como el divorcio, el alcohol y la violencia.
5 Things To Know As California Starts Screening Children For Toxic Stress
California now will pay pediatricians to screen Medi-Cal patients for traumatic events known as adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs. The program is based on research showing that children who endure chronic stress have an increased risk of developing serious health problems. Here are five things to know about the new program.
From Clinic To Courtroom, Fighting For Immigrant Health Care
Jane Garcia is CEO of La Clínica de La Raza, which operates more than 30 clinics in the San Francisco Bay Area serving a high percentage of immigrant patients. She has challenged state and federal immigration policies in court, including the Trump administration’s recent attempt to expand the “public charge” rule.
Californians Without Health Insurance Will Pay A Penalty — Or Not
Californians must have health insurance starting next year or face a hefty tax penalty. But, as with the now-defunct federal tax penalty for being uninsured, some people will be exempt.
Medi-Cal To Expand Eligibility To Young Undocumented Adults. But Will They Enroll?
California will become the first state to allow unauthorized immigrant adults to receive full Medicaid coverage when it expands eligibility to people ages 19 to 25 in January. But health officials and immigrant rights advocates wonder whether fear of federal immigration policy combined with a youthful sense of not needing health insurance will keep those young adults from joining.
Verma Attacks Critics Of Medicaid Work Requirement, Pushes For Tighter Eligibility
The Trump administration’s top Medicaid official says the effort to thwart these work mandates “stifles innovation.”
California Nursing Home Residents Told To Find New Homes
Dozens of frail nursing home residents have been informed by their Medi-Cal managed-care plans that they are no longer eligible for long-term care. Some health care advocates and legal aid attorneys fear that such terminations will increase as the state implements mandatory managed care for nursing home residents.
College Won’t Be Fun If You’re Not Healthy. Some Advice About Health Insurance
As you enter college this fall, health insurance may not be at the top of your mind. But it’s important to have coverage if you have a chronic condition or if something unexpected happens. Luckily, college students have several options.