Latest California Healthline Stories
Families To Pay Price If Maternity Care Coverage Is Cut By GOP
Before the health law, buying an individual policy that included coverage for pregnancy and labor was extremely difficult.
Say What? Fact-Checking The Chatter Around The GOP Health Bill
In the heated political arguments as Republicans rush to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, reality gets a bit lost.
GOP Health Plan Could Be Bitter Pill For California’s Obamacare Exchange
Critics say the proposed changes could poison one of the nation’s healthiest marketplaces, driving up premiums and drawing in only the sickest patients. Republicans and industry analysts call those concerns overblown.
With ‘Trumpcare’ On Horizon, Voters Go Wobbly On Repeal
The prospect of repealing the Affordable Care Act – with no replacement ready – finds many having second thoughts.
Faring Better Than Many ACA Insurers, Calif.-based Molina Backs Health Law ‘Tuneup’
The health insurance company, which operates in 12 states plus Puerto Rico, grew out of a network of Southern California clinics founded in 1980. Despite lower-than-expected profits in 2016, Molina’s track record of working with low-income patients has generally served it well under Obamacare.
¿Pagar o no pagar? Qué hacer con la multa por no tener seguro de salud
La promesa de los republicanos de revocar y reemplazar la Ley de Cuidado de Salud Asequible ha generado confusión entre los consumidores: al hacer la declaración de impuestos, ¿hay que pagar o no la multa si no se tuvo seguro en 2016?
To Pay Or Not To Pay – That Is The Question
With the future of Obamacare up in the air, many consumers are wondering if they must comply with the tax requirements related to the law, including whether to pay the penalty for being uninsured.
Repeal Ripples: Five Obamacare Exchange Chiefs Contemplate An Uncertain Future
Despite political peril, Obamacare business is brisk in California, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts and Colorado.
Obama’s Health Care Legacy: A Landmark Becomes A Question Mark
President Barack Obama succeeded where many other presidents failed, but now the fate of the Affordable Care Act rests with President-elect Donald Trump.
Obama’s Challenge To GOP: Show Me Your Plan Before Repealing Mine
In an interview and written commentary, the president comes out swinging about Republicans’ plans to delay a health law replacement, if they repeal the current law. That strategy, he said, “is, simply put, irresponsible.”