Latest California Healthline Stories
Esperanza y cautela por una vacuna de bajo costo contra la diabetes tipo 1
La vacuna, conocida como BCG, se utiliza en varios países para prevenir la tuberculosis y durante mucho tiempo se ha sabido que también estimula el sistema inmunitario.
Retooled Vaccine Raises Hopes As A Lower-Cost Treatment For Type 1 Diabetes
The vaccine, BCG, is relatively cheap. But experts caution the therapy could be overhyped and, if proven effective, wind up overpriced.
Luego de una sobredosis de opioides, solo el 30% recibe tratamiento contra la adicción
Solo 3 de cada 10 pacientes revividos tras sufrir una sobredosis de opioides reciben el tratamiento de seguimiento que puede evitar una futura tragedia.
After Opioid Overdose, Only 30 Percent Get Medicine To Treat Addiction
Patients revived from an opioid overdose who get methadone or Suboxone treatment for addiction afterward are much more likely to be alive a year later, says a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Listen: Disrupted Lives, Delayed Care And A Revised Death Toll In Puerto Rico
Kaiser Health News senior correspondent Sarah Varney, who has seen firsthand how devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria has harmed residents of Puerto Rico, discusses the new statistics on the number who perished in the storm.
Blacks, Latinos, Women Found Less Likely To Get The Mental Health Care They Need
Report cites frequent absences from work as evidence that untreated mental health problems can adversely affect the economic well-being of individuals and families — a dynamic that is most prevalent in communities of color.
Minorías no reciben ayuda para enfrentar problemas de salud mental
Una encuesta revela una gran disparidad en el acceso a servicios críticos de salud mental, lo que lleva a más casos de depresión, ansiedad y estrés post traumático.
Study: Nearly Three-Quarters Of Commonly Used Medical Scopes Tainted By Bacteria
The ‘scary’ findings show a discouraging lack of progress in cleaning the devices, despite more vigorous efforts in the wake of deadly superbug outbreaks, experts say.
‘Nightmare Bacteria’ Stalk U.S. Hospitals
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found antibiotic-resistant bacteria whose spread has “outpaced” efforts to contain them.
Omissions On Death Certificates Lead To Undercounting Of Opioid Overdoses
Standards for how to investigate and report on overdoses vary widely across states and counties. As a result, opioid overdose deaths often go overlooked in the data reported to the federal government.