Latest California Healthline Stories
En riesgo programas de salud en “ciudades santuario”
La dura posición del gobierno de Trump sobre inmigración podría estimular recortes en la financiación federal y complicar una amplia variedad de programas de salud en estas ciudades.
Running Short On Time, Covered California And Insurers Seek Obamacare Answers From GOP
Health insurers must submit initial rates to California’s exchange on Monday, but confusion persists over core elements of the current health law.
Drugmakers Dramatically Boosted Lobbying Spending In Trump’s First Quarter
With high drug prices creating widespread controversy, top pharmaceutical companies and their trade group vastly increased their lobbying spending on Capitol Hill.
With Drug Costs In Crosshairs, Health Firms Gave Generously To Trump’s Inauguration
Led by Pfizer and Amgen, about 10 health care firms contributed to President Donald Trump’s inauguration, which earned them entry into private events with the president and vice president.
CMS Chief To Sit Out Watershed Decision On Medicaid Work Mandate In Kentucky
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Administrator Seema Verma will recuse herself from the agency’s decision-making on whether to approve Kentucky’s Medicaid waiver because she helped develop the proposal in her former job as a health policy consultant.
Death By 1,000 Cuts: How Republicans Can Still Alter Your Coverage
There are many ways beyond legislative repeal for the Trump administration and congressional Republicans to unravel the Affordable Care Act.
Trump Budget Blueprint Targets Medicare Counseling Program For Cuts
In California, the proposed federal cuts could mean a 40 percent hit to counseling services that help more than half a million seniors each year.
For Better Or Worse, Trump And GOP Now Own Health Care
More than six in 10 people think that moving forward the responsibility for dealing with the health law problems is the responsibility of President Donald Trump and Republicans controlling Congress, Kaiser Family Foundation poll finds.
Where There’s Willingness, There’s A Way For Congress And Trump To Fix Health Law
After the collapse of the Republican replacement plan, there may be a way to find consensus and repair the law.
House Leaders Came Up Short In Effort To Kill Obamacare
Trump and Speaker Ryan agree to withdraw their legislation that would overhaul the federal health law.