Latest California Healthline Stories
Californians Speak After GOP’s Obamacare Repeal Attempt Falls Flat
From a Democratic governor in the Capitol to a mother of seven on Medi-Cal in the unsung town of Dinuba, 13 Californians react to the surprising news that the Affordable Care Act is alive and kicking.
House Leaders Came Up Short In Effort To Kill Obamacare
Trump and Speaker Ryan agree to withdraw their legislation that would overhaul the federal health law.
Insurers May Notch Bigger Profits From Fewer Customers In ‘Trumpcare’
As Congress and the White House try to strike a bargain on an Obamacare repeal plan, the insurance industry likes what it’s seeing.
GOP Health Plan Aims To Curb Medicaid, Expand State Options
House Republicans’ latest plan to repeal Obamacare would give states flexibility in managing their Medicaid programs, but also some difficult decisions to make.
A Fact Check Finds Many Misleading Letters From Lawmakers On Health Care
Four news organizations read through letters sent by 51 senators and 134 members of the House dealing with the health care debate.
Trump’s Promise To Rein In Drug Prices Could Open Floodgate To Importation Laws
Sen. Bernie Sanders’ bill to allow Americans to buy cheaper medicines from Canada would bypass a requirement that blocked past legislative efforts over two decades.
California’s Republican Congress Members Face Quandary Over Health Bill
Many constituents could lose coverage under the AHCA. Half of California’s Republican-led districts voted against Donald Trump.
In Deep-Red Western N.C., Revered Congressman Leads Charge Against GOP Bill
Is Republican Rep. Mark Meadows the man who would kill “Trumpcare”? He enjoys strong support in his gerrymandered western North Carolina district as he leads conservative opposition to the GOP’s plan for repealing and replacing Obamacare.
Universal Health Coverage In California: Is It Even Possible?
On Southern California Public Radio, California Healthline Senior Correspondent Chad Terhune discusses the prospects for coverage-for-all proposals by gubernatorial hopeful Gavin Newsom and others given GOP plans in Washington D.C.
What Does The House Health Care Bill Mean For California?
The Congressional Budget Office says the bill, if enacted, would save the federal government billions of dollars but leave millions more people without coverage. Those changes would hit the biggest state hardest.