California’s Reboot of Troubled Medi-Cal Puts Pressure on Health Plans
By Bernard J. Wolfson
Photos by Heidi de Marco
The nine commercial insurers in Medi-Cal must reapply by submitting bids for new contracts. The state hopes the process will improve care for low-income residents and tighten accountability, something critics say has been missing.
Dispelling Vaccine Misinformation and Myths in California’s Breadbasket
By Heidi de Marco
Even though farmworkers are vulnerable to covid, many hesitate to get the vaccine, worried the shot could have severe side effects or signal their whereabouts to immigration officials. Immigrant advocates in the Coachella Valley and other farming regions are visiting workers to try to allay their fears.
No More ICU Beds at the Main Public Hospital in the Nation’s Largest County as COVID Surges
By Bernard J. Wolfson
Photos by Heidi de Marco
As some patients linger near death, staffers at Los Angeles County+USC Medical Center seek ways to expand capacity for a surge of cases that isn’t letting up.
Aprendiendo a vivir de nuevo: cómo se recuperan pacientes graves de covid
By Bernard J. Wolfson
En Rancho Los Amigos, en Los Angeles, latinos de bajos ingresos reciben terapia y tratamientos después de que covid los pusiera al borde de la muerte.
Behind The Byline: ‘At Least I Got the Shot’
By Heidi de Marco
Check out KHN’s video series — Behind the Byline: How the Story Got Made. Come along as journalists and producers offer an insider’s view of health care coverage that does not quit.
COVID-19 abruma a las terapias intensivas en la frontera
By Heidi de Marco
A pesar que la mayoría de los hospitales de California no tuvieron un aumento dramático de pacientes, algunas instalaciones cerca de la frontera con México se han visto desbordadas.
COVID-19 Overwhelms Border ICUs
By Heidi de Marco
Some California hospitals near the Mexican border have received so many COVID-19 patients the past few weeks that they have had to divert some to other facilities. Hospital officials say most of the infected patients are U.S. citizens or legal residents who live in, or recently traveled to, Mexico and came to the U.S. for care.
Beyond The Glam: Feeding The Coachella Valley’s Most Vulnerable Residents
By Heidi de Marco
Poverty is real in the Coachella Valley, a region known for its glitzy resorts and music festival. During the COVID crisis, the California National Guard and California Conservation Corps are helping an area food bank distribute food to older residents and those with disabilities.
Some County Jail Inmates See Vaccination as Ticket to a Better Life — In the State Pen
By Bernard J. Wolfson
Photos by Heidi de Marco
In the Los Angeles County Jail system, many inmates hope being vaccinated will get them transferred more quickly to state prison. Some just want to protect themselves against covid, while others are distrustful and refuse vaccination.
Going The Distance By Bus Through A Pandemic
By Heidi de Marco
Transit ridership has plummeted because of COVID-19, but millions of Americans still rely on buses and trains to get around, often because they have no other choice.