Latest California Healthline Stories
Hurricane Maria Still Taking A Toll On Puerto Rico’s Seniors
Kaiser Health News senior correspondent Sarah Varney reports on the challenges of providing health care to older people on the island.
El toque humano en un hospital: por qué importa que los médicos sean compasivos
La actitud de los médicos al momento de hablar de temas difíciles como el final de la vida pueden hacer la diferencia en la calidad de vida del paciente y las preocupaciones de la familia.
Cuidadoras comparten consejos para aliviar el peso del Alzheimer
Sus maridos han perdido, o están perdiendo, la memoria. Ellas han logrado crear un círculo de apoyo para poder seguir adelante a pesar del dolor.
A Hospital’s Human Touch: Why Taking Care In Discharging A Patient Matters
Patients and caregivers often feel abandoned and lose trust in health care professionals when they sense a lack of caring during transitions. With it, they feel better able to handle concerns and act on their doctors’ recommendations.
Support Circle: Family Caregivers Share Stories And Tips To Ease Alzheimer’s Toll
As the number of people with Alzheimer’s climbs, so does the number of loved ones caring for them. The health of 16 million unpaid U.S. caregivers has become a focus for Alzheimer’s advocacy groups.
Feel Like The Last Friend Standing? Here’s How To Cultivate New Buds As You Age.
Seniors who outlive their friends — and sometimes family members — know it’s tough to make new friends. But they also know it’s essential to well-being.
Geriatric Assessments Could Fine-Tune Cancer Care For Older Adults
The American Society of Clinical Oncology issued a new guideline that recommends adults 65 and older receive a geriatric assessment when considering or undergoing chemotherapy.
Unlocked And Loaded: Families Confront Dementia And Guns
As more Americans are diagnosed with dementia, families who have firearms struggle with ways to stay safe. A Kaiser Health News investigation uncovered dozens of cases of deaths and injuries.
Sin seguro y cargada: familias confrontan la demencia y las armas
A la discusión sobre la portación de armas, se suma un escenario al que se le ha prestado poca atención: ¿qué pasa en los hogares en donde hay armas y una persona con demencia?
First Female Dean ‘A Sea Of Change’ At USC’s Scandal-Plagued Medical School
Laura Mosqueda, a geriatrician, wants to train new doctors to better care for elderly people as the country’s population ages. She will face a big challenge as USC reels from drug and sexual misconduct scandals that have enraged students and landed the university in legal hot water.