Latest California Healthline Stories
California Lawsuit Aims To Protect Spouses Of Disabled From Financial Ruin
Suit filed by advocates says California officials aren’t complying with federal Medicaid laws protecting spouses’ finances.
Half The Time, Nursing Homes Scrutinized On Safety By Medicare Are Still Treacherous
Of the 528 nursing homes that graduated from special focus status before 2014 and are still operating, more than half — 52 percent — have harmed patients or operated in a way that put patients in serious jeopardy within the past three years, a KHN analysis finds.
As Seniors Get Sicker, They’re More Likely To Drop Medicare Advantage Plans
Medicare Advantage plans offer good value and aim to keep patients healthy but sicker people are far more likely to quit because they can’t get the care they need.
In The End, Even The Middle Class Would Feel GOP Squeeze On Nursing Home Care
Medicaid pays for two-thirds of nursing home residents — 62 percent in California — but some recipients don’t even know they’re on it.
Seniors Miss Out On Clinical Trials
Among hurdles: Older adults may have multiple illnesses that could complicate research or they might be unable to manage the commute.
‘No One Wants To Be Old’: How To Put The ‘Non-Age’ in Nonagenarian
Living a vital, active life well into your 90s requires positive thinking and activity.
Un problema en aumento: los adultos mayores que quieren estar solos
Muchas veces por problemas de información, adultos mayores que son dados de alta rechazan la atención de salud en el hogar, decisión que los puede poner en riesgo.
Leaving Hospital, Older Patients Resist Home Help At Their Peril
Almost 30 percent of patients leaving the hospital don’t want home health care services, which often leads to readmissions and other health issues.
California’s Aid-In-Dying Law Turns 1, But Not All Doctors Have Adopted It
At least 500 terminally ill Californians have asked for the medicine that allows them to end their lives, and nearly 500 health organizations have signed on to help.
Feds To Waive Penalties For Some Who Signed Up Late For Medicare
Medicare has not sent notice of the temporary penalty waiver to enrollees in exchanges run by the states. But Covered California plans to notify its members who are about to turn 65 — or already have — sometime this summer.