Latest California Healthline Stories
Exercise and Diet Are More Important Than Ever With Virus at Large
“The Quarantine 15” — weight gain due to inactivity during the pandemic — is a real phenomenon. Here are some ways to fight it.
Ejercicio y dieta son más importantes que nunca en tiempos de coronavirus
En tiempos de COVID, el desafío es doble: proteger nuestra salud, incluyendo nuestro sistema inmunológico, mientras se lucha contra las tentaciones poco saludables.
Wildfires Provide Another Reason to Mask Up
As the long U.S. fire season gets underway, it’s even more important for Western residents to have a good face mask. Unfortunately, most of the masks we’re wearing for COVID-19 aren’t great for smoke.
Los incendios forestales son otra razón para usar máscaras
El humo de más de 300 incendios forestales en California está asfixiando a mucha gente en el centro y norte del estado y expandiendo sustancias tóxicas en el aire.
You Can See Friends And Relatives During The Pandemic Surge — But Do It Carefully
Even as most U.S. states and authorities reimpose many of the restrictions they had prematurely lifted, public health experts say you can still have a safe social life — just not the one you were used to before the pandemic hit.
Puedes ver a amigos y familiares durante la pandemia, pero sigue estas reglas
Puedes expandir tu burbuja social más allá de la casa, y hasta abrazar a un ser querido, si prestas atención a las conocidas pautas de salud y, además, tomas precauciones adicionales.
Society Is Reopening. Prepare To Hunker Down At Home Again.
First, businesses started to reopen; then racial justice protesters flooded the streets. Social distancing is beginning to fade. Are you ready for a second wave of COVID-19 infections ― and a renewed lockdown?
The Challenges Of Keeping Young Adults Safe During The Pandemic
Even while playing the role of quarantine enforcer for your teens and 20-somethings, recognize that they are as anxious and worried as you are — and with good reason.
Crushed By A Hospital Bill? Stand Up For Yourself
Most hospitals must offer free or reduced-cost care to certain patients, based on income, even if they have insurance. But some hospitals erect barriers to charity care, so it’s up to patients to advocate for themselves.
Helping a loved one overcome addiction isn’t easy. Start by listening to people who have been through it. They can help find effective treatment and avoid unethical or incompetent operators.