Latest California Healthline Stories
Helping a loved one overcome addiction isn’t easy. Start by listening to people who have been through it. They can help find effective treatment and avoid unethical or incompetent operators.
Californians Without Health Insurance Will Pay A Penalty — Or Not
Californians must have health insurance starting next year or face a hefty tax penalty. But, as with the now-defunct federal tax penalty for being uninsured, some people will be exempt.
California To Provide Financial Boost To Help Buy Health Coverage
Come Jan. 1, California will be the first state to offer financial aid to middle-class people who make too much money to qualify for federal Obamacare tax credits. And Californians will once again owe a penalty if they are uninsured.
California ayudará a la clase media a comprar cobertura de salud
Muchas personas de clase media han tenido dificultades para pagar un seguro de salud, asumiendo el costo total de las primas que pueden superar los $1,000 al mes.
College Won’t Be Fun If You’re Not Healthy. Some Advice About Health Insurance
As you enter college this fall, health insurance may not be at the top of your mind. But it’s important to have coverage if you have a chronic condition or if something unexpected happens. Luckily, college students have several options.
Shopping Abroad For Cheaper Medication? Here’s What You Need To Know
Americans routinely skirt federal law by crossing into Canada and Mexico or tapping online pharmacies abroad to purchase prescription medications at a fraction of the price they would pay at home. Is it safe? Not necessarily. Here’s some advice.
¿Buscas medicamentos más baratos en el exterior? Esto es lo que debes saber
Los estadounidenses eluden la ley federal cruzando a Canadá y México, o recurriendo a farmacias en línea en el extranjero para comprar medicamentos recetados a una fracción del precio que pagarían en casa.
Did Your Health Plan Deny You Care? Fight Back.
Most patients don’t argue when their health insurance won’t cover treatment or medication, but they should: Consumers win about half of their appeals. The process can sometimes be overwhelming, but there are ways to prepare and get help.
Mantener a los niños sanos y cuerdos en un mundo digital
Los celulares, las tabletas y los videojuegos pueden causar problemas, pero también sirven para hacer tareas o investigar temas interesantes. Al usarlos, ¿se puede lograr un balance?
Keeping Kids Healthy And Sane In A Digital World
Children are spending more time on their devices than ever before, despite evidence that excessive screen time puts their minds and bodies at risk. Parents should set limits and stick to them — and also change their own online behavior, experts say.