Latest California Healthline Stories
KHN’s ‘What The Health?’: All Coronavirus All The Time
The COVID-19 pandemic is forcing changes to the U.S. health system that were previously unthinkable. Yet some fights ― including over the Affordable Care Act and abortion — persist even in this time of national emergency. Joanne Kenen of Politico, Margot Sanger-Katz of The New York Times and Alice Miranda Ollstein of Politico join KHN’s Julie Rovner to discuss this and more. Also, Rovner interviews KHN’s Liz Szabo about the latest installment of KHN-NPR’s “Bill of the Month.”
Temperature Check: Tips For Tracking A Key Symptom Of Coronavirus Contagion
Taking one’s temperature is not as easy as it sounds. For one reporter, the first challenge was finding a thermometer.
Tomarse la temperatura: consejos para monitorear un síntoma clave del coronavirus
Después que me dijeran que había estado expuesta al nuevo coronavirus, intenté seguir el mejor consejo médico. Empecé a trabajar desde casa. Me aislé socialmente. Y me “auto-controlé” para detectar signos de infección. O, al menos, lo intenté. Los síntomas de COVID-19 parecen bastante claros. Tos seca y dificultad para respirar. Fatiga. Fiebre. Para rastrear […]
Already Taxed Health Care Workers Not ‘Immune’ From Layoffs And Less Pay
Revenue is way down for primary care, specialty physicians and some hospitals as patients avoid non-urgent visits. Practices small and large are doling out layoffs and furloughs to staff.
A pesar de la pandemia, profesionales de salud no son inmunes a los despidos
Consultorios y grupos médicos en todo el país están dando licencia forzada a personal no médico. Y también recortando salarios luego que se suspendieran procedimientos electivos y se comenzaran a cancelar citas no urgentes.
Federal Judge Rules Medicare Patients Can Challenge ‘Observation Care’ Status
Hundreds of thousands of people will be able to appeal hospitals’ decisions to classify them as “observation care” patients instead of inpatients, under a ruling last week in a class action suit.
Listen: The Hard-Knock Health Law Turns 10 Amid Pandemic
On the 10th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act, Kaiser Health News chief Washington correspondent Julie Rovner and Kaiser Family Foundation Executive Vice President Larry Levitt put the law in perspective.
Seattle Nurses Scrounge For Masks To Stay Safe On Pandemic’s Front Lines
As illness from the new coronavirus stresses the health care system, nurses said they are being forced to make do with less and learning to be good stewards of available equipment and protective gear.
Millions Of Older Americans Live In Counties With No ICU Beds Amid Pandemic
A Kaiser Health News analysis shows that counties with ICUs average one ICU bed for every 1,300 older residents, those most at risk for needing hospitalization.
En Seattle, enfermeras se vuelven creativas para cuidarse y trabajar en medio de la pandemia
Al aumentar el número de pacientes con coronavirus, escasean las máscaras y otros equipos de protección. Y las enfermeras de Washington recurren a métodos alternativos para cuidarse y cuidar a los pacientes.