Health Care Costs

Latest California Healthline Stories

Ranking the Reforms at Risk in a Deficit Deal

As the nation’s leaders lurch toward a deal to cut the deficit, lawmakers have floated a range of possible health care cuts. Here’s a list of potential programs and reform initiatives that are most at risk in the current negotiations.

More Money Could Go to Work Force Training, Report Says

The California Senate Office of Research released a report yesterday that looks at where federal funding for work force investment is going. And, apparently, it’s not to work force training.

“In California, most Local Workforce Investment Boards have reported investing little of their federal funds into work force training and instead have spent a substantial amount on other employment services,” the report stated.

There are hundreds of millions of dollars allocated to California each year under the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998, according to the report. Most of that money is spent at the local level, in local investment boards.

Altered States: Paths to Reform Increasingly Diverge

Governors in Wisconsin, Alaska and Massachusetts are forging unique paths to custom fit health reform around their budget pressures and existing overhauls. The three states may serve as templates — or outliers — as the rubber starts to hit the road to reform.