Latest California Healthline Stories
McCain Votes No, Derails ‘Skinny Repeal’ In Marathon Session
After a late-night session and the “skinny” defeat, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell pulls legislation to repeal the Affordable Care Act from the floor.
Medicaid Proves A Lifeline For Clients Of Crisis Pregnancy Centers
For pregnant women in the United States, Medicaid is less a safety net than a building block of the maternity care system.
Whistleblowers: United Healthcare Hid Complaints About Medicare Advantage
A Wisconsin lawsuit alleges United Healthcare downplayed abusive sales tactics to avoid losing government bonuses.
Leap Of Faith: Will Health Care Ministries Cover Your Costs?
Sharing ministries are based on biblical principles and are not the same as commercial insurance. They are not legally binding and may not cover some common medical expenses.
¿Funcionan los seguros de salud basados en la Biblia?
Los ministerios de salud son esencialmente programas de costos compartidos que se aplican a nivel nacional. Para ser miembro hay que tener una mirada de fe sobre la atención médica.
Pacientes posponen tratamientos críticos por culpa de los deducibles altos
La evidencia está mostrando que los deducibles altos han obligado a la gente a retrasar atención que podría prevenir emergencias de salud más tarde, o mejorar su calidad de vida.
Cómo tener atención médica de largo plazo en el hogar sin caer en bancarrota
La gran mayoría de los adultos mayores reciben atención a largo plazo en sus casas, no en hogares. Pero pocas personas planean con anticipación para enfrentar este gasto.
States Have Tried Versions Of ‘Skinny Repeal.’ It Didn’t Go Well.
Republican senators are warming to the idea of a scaled-back plan that would delete the Affordable Care Act’s individual and employer mandates but leave the rest of law generally intact. But this approach has caused difficulties in the past.
How To Get Long-Term Care At Home Without Busting The Bank
The majority of older adults receive long-term care at home and need help covering these services with affordable insurance policies. The long-term insurance industry needs to focus on home care.
When High Deductibles Hurt: Even Insured Patients Postpone Care
The number of Americans with high-deductible health plans is growing, along with the fear that even insured people won’t get the care they need because it’s too costly.