Latest California Healthline Stories
Blue Shield Again Owes Californians Millions In Health Care Rebates
The insurer is on the hook for $25 million in refunds to about 240,000 enrollees with employer coverage.
Are Blues’ Plans Benefiting Unfairly From Program To Offset Cost Of Sicker Patients?
Other insurers complain that Blue Cross Blue Shield plans have bloated overhead costs and reap too much from the Obamacare risk-adjustment fund, paid for by insurers. The companies deny it.
Report: States Increase Cost Controls To Manage Medicaid Growth
Medicaid enrollment and total spending are projected to rise more slowly for 2017, but California and other states’ tabs will grow faster as the federal government begins to taper funding for Obamacare expansions, the Kaiser Family Foundation reports.
California Won’t Extend Parental Leave Rights To Small Businesses
Gov. Jerry Brown vetoes a bill that would have guaranteed employees of small businesses can keep their jobs if they take parental leave to bond with a new child.
What Would A Public Insurance Option Look Like In California?
California might not need one, UCLA health policy expert Gerald Kominski said in an interview — but he added that it could provide a backstop against potential future retrenchment by private sector health plans in the state’s ACA insurance exchange.
Trump’s Debate Claim On Health Care Costs: It Depends What You Mean By ‘Cost’
Although many consumers are feeling the heat from increased health care spending, the overall bill may not be larger.
Everything You Wanted To Know About Your Health Plan (But Were Afraid To Ask)
A new online database created by the Department of Managed Health Care can help consumers size up and compare insurance plans.
Health Law Targets Women’s Preventive Services, But It Offers Help To Men, Too
A number of preventive services used by both men and women are now available at no cost to consumers.
UnitedHealth And University Of California To Forge Unique Alliance
The nation’s largest insurer and the state’s university health system intend to offer a health plan option to self-funded employers in California and pursue research drawing upon a huge reservoir of patient data.
Expert Panel Recommends Expansion Of Services With No Cost Sharing For Women
The list of preventive services that insurers must cover without a co-pay could grow to include mammograms for younger women, testing that follows an irregular screening and birth control for men.