Latest California Healthline Stories
State Limits Denial of Autism Therapy
New mental health parity regulations announced this week could signal more penalties for delay or denial of autism treatment by insurers in California.
Big Campaign Spending Due in June
Both sides of the November ballot measure to regulate health insurance rate hikes expect an advertising surge will begin in June after the initiative is assigned a proposition number.
Committee Approves, Helps Frame Medical-Loss Ratio for Dental Insurers
A legislative committee not only voted to pass a bill requiring dental insurers to spend a specific percentage of their money on dental care, but also helped broker an agreement over the measure in a hearing.
The Undecided: A Closer Look at the Decision To Enroll
Health insurance holdouts are making it hard for the Obama administration to reach its enrollment goals for the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges. What factors are driving the uninsured’s decision-making process?
New Ads Highlight Residually Uninsured
A new media campaign is aimed at making the public aware of as many as three million Californians who will be without health insurance despite reform successes of Medi-Cal expansion and Covered California enrollment.
Continuity of Care Bill Goes to Governor
A bill aimed at making sure patients can complete a course of treatment despite changes in insurance coverage sailed through the Legislature and is now waiting for the governor’s signature.
New Bill Would Require Dental Insurers To Pay Minimum Percentage for Care
Medical-loss ratios are in place for health care insurance but they don’t apply to dental care. A new Assembly bill proposes to apply the same regulations to dental insurers in California.
Others May Follow Calif. in Considering Coverage for Undocumented Immigrants
A California bill to provide health insurance for those left out of the health care reform law — including undocumented immigrants — is thought to be the first of its kind in the country, but probably won’t be the last after national immigration reform efforts stall once again in Washington, D.C.
Bill Seeks Coverage for Undocumented Immigrants in California
A bill introduced in the California Legislature last week would create a state-funded system to provide health coverage for more than two million Californians expected to remain uninsured, including undocumented immigrants.
Uninsured Project Buoyed by State’s Success in Expanding Medi-Cal
Instead of talking only about what they hope to accomplish, attendees at the annual Insure the Uninsured Project conference in Sacramento this week had a lot to celebrate.